Top: Mummy portrait of a woman in Encaustic, detail of the right eye and raking light image showing the three-dimensional, heat-generated texture of the paints, bottom: Mummy portrait of a boy in Cold Wax Painting, detail of the nose and raking light image of the smooth paint layer surface in the area of the hairline
top:1st half of the 2nd century; bottom: 2nd century
Title: Top: Mummy portrait of a woman in Encaustic, detail of the right eye and raking light image showing the three-dimensional, heat-generated texture of the paints, bottom: Mummy portrait of a boy in Cold Wax Painting, detail of the nose and raking light image of the smooth paint layer surface in the area of the hairline
Date Created: top:1st half of the 2nd century; bottom: 2nd century
Location: oben: Würzburg, Martin von Wagner-Museum; unten: Berlin, Antikensammlung
Medium: top: Encaustic on wood; bottom: Cold Wax Painting on wood
Photo: Roberto Bellucci, Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Florence