After the war, the author settled in Jelenia Góra, where he came across local German legends about Rübezahl. He polonised them and published in 1945 under the title “Liczyrzepa, zły duch Karkonoszy i Jeleniej Góry” [“Liczyrzepa, the evil spirit of the Karkonosze and Jelenia Góra”]. It was the first Polish fiction book written and published in Lower Silesia after the war. The character of Liczyrzepa, just like the book, became extremely popular. Years later, the author translated his name differently and designed a new version of the book entitled “Legendy i przypowieści o Skarbniku Ryfejskim, opiekunie mieszkańców Karkonoszy” [“Legends and Parables about the Treasurer of Riphean Mountains, protector of Karkonosze inhabitants”]. The manuscript is part of Józef Sykulski’s collection.