
Deux hommes africains

Veillon, Margo1907-2003

The American University of Cairo - Libraries and Learning Technologies

The American University of Cairo - Libraries and Learning Technologies
Egypt, Égypte

Watercolor painting of two African men. One in the forground is facing the right and the painting shows his head until his shoulders, and only one shoulder is in frame. His eyes are slightly squinted, ad his dark skin is made up of different triangular shapes of shades of brown and orange. He wears a golden collar around his neck with golden details dangling from it every couple beads. The man behind him has thick lips and looks in the opposite direction. Only his face is showing, and none of his body or head has been painted.

Afficher moinsEn savoir plus
  • Titre: Deux hommes africains
  • Créateur: Veillon, Margo
  • Durée de vie du créateur: 1907-2003
  • Nationalité du créateur: Swiss
  • Date de création: 1907-2003
  • Lieu: American University in Cairo, Egypt
  • Dimensions physiques: 39 cm x 28 cm
  • Mots clés du sujet: Portraits, Egyptian -- 20th century.
  • Type: paintings (visual works)
  • Droits: To inquire about rights and permissions, contact the Rare Books and Special Collections Library, The American University in Cairo at +20.2.2615.3676 or
  • Genre artistique: portraits
  • Mouvement artistique: Expressionist (style)
  • Forme d'expression artistique: watercolors (paintings)
  • Support: paper, watercolor on paper
The American University of Cairo - Libraries and Learning Technologies

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