"Also called Bitter Boletus
Visually delightful (rosy spores, pink tubes, golden-tawny cap), this is nonetheless a vile body, the Boletus of Dr. Fell, infinitely disagreeable. It may be noticed that its billowy pink underside presents no gills; instead, a multitude of infinitesimal pink tubes ending in tiny openings or mouths, a structure placing it in the family Boletaceae; within that family it is classified as a Tylopilus because of its pink colour and extreme bitterness. This bitterness is said to be extraordinarily pervasive; as a babe its twins another Boletus, the infant edulis, the delectable Cèpe-child; inadvertently included, one small felleus button is all it takes to trash a super Cèpe-treat."
In publication, Page 55: "Reflections on the Fungaloids" by B.L. Williamson, Ottawa, 1992. ISBN 1-894572-65-3