
Unique language of vibration of love

Iryna Falendysh2020

Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna

Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna
Bologna, Italy

Unique language of vibration of love was produced during the 2020 period of quarantine, when many countries around the world went into lockdown to tackle the spread of Covid-19. It’s a personal response to crisis, uncertainty, and altered states of being.

"In this period of reflections for everyone, when I look through the window I see the past, present, and future repeating itself in the shadows of Plato's cave. Not only during the lockdown the man is closed within 4 walls and cannot perceive the beauty of 4 dimensions, although there would be another 6.
Someone said that how many languages ​​you know, each times you are a man. But there is only one language of love that creates matter, it is the vibration of the energy/information of us and everything that surrounds us, which speaks in one language of the waves (According to string theory and not only, for example, the water molecules become symmetrical if you use positive words, and if negative words they become asymmetrical)
Progress is in exponential growth, perhaps for a better life, but man's spirituality/psyche is in regress. We live for the system and not the system for us. Harmonic union with the universe disappears, that the ancients had, with their cryptic secrets, which proved to be the paradoxes of knowledge.
Modern man in the race not to be replaced by the machine, strangely himself becomes the machine of knowledge, and working skills, as if this becomes the purpose of life and not life in itself.
Emotion is oppressed, which could be expressed in consumerism, narcissism, desire for power, in affirmation (this is also lauded) or in alcohol, deep depression and many other ways.
We become unconscious but intelligent mass, easy to handle in the world of capitalism, where the system tells you to be a square instead of a circle.
We become the six characters in search of the author of Pirandello, losing the father of infinity, the mather earth and ourselves, living for futile things. (obviously, I don't speak for everyone).
If we dedicated ourselves by gathering for something bigger and wider truly outside our window, uniting all languages ​​and fields and all us for a greater purpose of personal exponential enlightenment, perhaps we would live a lot better." Iryna Falendysh

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  • Title: Unique language of vibration of love
  • Creator: Iryna Falendysh
  • Date: 2020
  • Location: Salerno (Italy)
  • Provenance: Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna
  • Medium: Digital
Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna

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