The work of Carmen Calvo stands out on the national and international stage. In her broad artistic career starting from the mid 1970s, a personal visual language has been shaped and constantly renewed. This piece is representative of her work during the eighties and her devotion to Matisse whom she satirizes, taking an archetypical image by the fauvist artist, multiplying it ad infinitum, and extracting the color separated by shapes and contours to create a less figurative language, playing with the appearance of a collage. It is a silkscreen print in which the artist plays with an apparent extract from the Matisse work La Blouse Romaine (1940), creating the appearance of a false collage. The feminine bust of Matisse has been voided of color, and those colors—blue, yellow, red, and flesh—have been transformed into small touches which disfigure the shapes. The color and repetition serve to create a large composition which breaks the limits of screen printing, surpassing the imagined and real barriers of printing.