Untitled (running series) – is A series of images and gifs of A roughly animated black male avatar, running through A series of terrains both real and speculative. At the centre of each piece is A black square that was A symbol of the 2020 black lives matter movement - A moment that already feels somewhat historic. The square, suspended in different landscapes, also references the black monolith in 2001: A space odyssey by stanley kubrick, the meaning of which represents the challenge to what we perceive or infer from what we see, as well as what the boundaries of our realities are. Anderson considers the square as perhaps A mirror to our viewing devices, through which the world watched and watches the atrocities of anti-black violence, or perhaps as A passage or stargate, offering us A way out of this reality, that we or the runner never seem to get near, step beyond or through. The series leaves us questioning whether we can break the racial or political code of what is our current frame.