جارٍ التحميل

متجر أواني

Veillon, Margo1907-2003

The American University of Cairo - Libraries and Learning Technologies

The American University of Cairo - Libraries and Learning Technologies
Egypt, مصر

Linoprint of a traditional Egyptian workshop. On the far right, there is a man dressed in an Egyptian gallabia sitting on a couch, next to a small round table, looking forward. All around him are what seems to be trays and vases and other handmade furniture items, all piled up against each other and leaning against each other. There is fabric hanging from the ceiling. On the left, a woman dressed in a black abaya, carrying her child on her shoulders, has her back to the viewer as she is entering the workshop. There is a young boy in a galabiya in front of her, holding a bucket and looking back at her as she comes in. There is a sign with unintelligible Arabic writing on it.

عرض أقلمزيد من المعلومات
  • العنوان: متجر أواني
  • المؤلف: Veillon, Margo
  • ‏‮Creator‬‏ ‏‮Lifespan‬‏: 1907-2003
  • ‏‮Creator‬‏ ‏‮Nationality‬‏: Swiss
  • تاريخ الإنشاء: 1907-2003
  • الموقع: American University in Cairo, Egypt
  • التنسيق الفعلي: 30.4 cm x 37.3 cm
  • الموضوع: Prints -- 20th century-- Egypt.
  • النص:
    Margo. Veillon,liongraph
    إخفاء النصإظهار النص
  • النوع: prints (visual works)
  • الحقوق: To inquire about rights and permissions, contact the Rare Books and Special Collections Library, The American University in Cairo at +20.2.2615.3676 or rbscl-ref@aucegypt.edu.
  • المواد: linocut print on paper
  • ‏‮Art‬‏ ‏‮Genre‬‏: genre painting
  • ‏‮Art‬‏ ‏‮Movement‬‏: Impressionist (style)
  • نوع العمل الفني: linocuts (prints)
  • ‏‮Support‬‏: paper
The American University of Cairo - Libraries and Learning Technologies

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