The Old Settlers -Lourenco Marques. (From 1960, republished in 1963-64.) This photograph features a young boy selling newspapers with his back to two men dressed in suits looking to the street. "A Tribuna" a Lourenço-Marques newspaper previously published this photograph, but the editors cropped the young boy out of the frame to focus on the two unidentified men. The photo caption read, "In my time were passing by here the electric cars" ("A Tribuna", No. 496, 1963/64). The difference between the pictured figures is stark. The young boy stands barefooted and in an oversize second-hand suit jacket and shorts. The older men are wearing suits and dress shoes. Alongside these inequalities, Ricardo Rangel also captured Lourenço Marques' cosmopolitan atmosphere, the latest automobiles, contemporary architecture, and the city's bustling business activity.