In 1993, Electronic Arts released its first installment of the FIFA franchise, which consists of annually-produced soccer simulation games. Electronic Arts created the original game, entitled FIFA International Soccer, to celebrate the upcoming 1994 World Cup hosted by the United States. FIFA began as a simulator with an isometric view until the 1996 version updated to real-time 3D graphics using a technology termed virtual stadium. Over the years, Electronic Arts added motion capture technology, customization tools, online player collaboration, new game modes, and smarter artificial intelligence, which makes for an overall smoother and more responsive gameplay. In 2005, EA created a new class of FIFA games that pay homage to the culture of street soccer: FIFA Street. Street is a single or multiplayer game in which the player(s) control a player or team of their choice in different competitive situations. The game takes into account player physicality and team statistics to give gamers the most authentic experience possible. Street attempts to be all-inclusive, with an ever-growing number of players and environments available for competition, in order to promote authenticity and offer a wider range of player experience. Street focuses on being true to the sport and its culture through the use of gritty environments, accurate gear, and a soundtrack that adds to the feel of the game. Gamers must concentrate on style and tricks in this particular FIFA series, with the ultimate goal of putting together a reputable team of players to compete through various international street venues. The gameplay in Street is more fast-paced than the original FIFA series, with smaller pitches and fewer players demanding different strategies and mastery of all available tricks. Players can access new game modes and trick challenges to boost points, as well as collaborate with other players online. Gamers can access Street on platforms such as the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation Vita. As of 2013, FIFA stands as the most profitable Electronic Arts sports franchise, due its huge following and economical licensing costs.