Developed and published by Capcom in 1999, Resident Evil 3 is the second sequel to the original Resident Evil. The franchise, known as Biohazard in Japan, coined the term survival horror, a genre characterized by limited ammunition and health, dark and complex environments, and a feeling of isolation due to a low number of non-player characters. Initially released for PlayStation but later available on Microsoft Windows, Sega Dreamcast, Nintendo GameCube, and PlayStation Network, gamers and critics alike praised the game's ability to create a truly terrifying atmosphere. The single-player game, which is viewed in third-person perspective, centers on two characters: Jill Valentine and Carlos Oliviera. The player cannot choose between controlling Jill and Carlos, but rather control each at different times, based on the storyline of the game. Set after the events of Resident Evil 2, Jill and Carlos are still in Raccoon City, a place beset by strange deaths, disappearances, and filled with mutant creatures and zombies, the results of secret and illegal scientific experiments. Fighting a biologically-altered creature named Nemesis, Jill and Carlos must try to escape the city before a nuclear strike is dispatched to contain the infestation of zombies, a virus, and mutated creatures. The player must solve puzzles, find items, and engage in combat in order to enter different areas of the city and defeat enemies, the ultimate goals being to save others, defeat enemies, and, most importantly, survive. The city contains a limited number of ammunition and healing items, so strategy must be employed for their effective use. However, Resident Evil 3 includes a new ammunition creation feature, which the player can use to make ammunition out of more basic ingredients. Furthermore, Resident Evil 3 also introduces new explosive objects randomly placed throughout the environment which, if fired upon, will explode. Another deviation from the two previous games is Live Selection Mode, which prompts the player to make a choice between two possible actions within a given scenario. This continues the theme in Resident Evil games of being able to manipulate the path and ultimate outcome of the game. Resident Evil 3 also features an unlockable mini-game called The Mercenaries: Operation �� Mad Jackal, and a series of Epilogue Files that chronicle the characters' lives after the game's conclusion. Another commercial success, the franchise continued to create more sequels, novels, and even a film series.
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