Edige Linnig, artist. Oil on canvas. 1857. SAM DUNNING; 3-m warship with all sails set. 14 gun ports. Burgee flying on main mast. American ensign. Distant shore with buildings and windmill. Port side view in deep shadows. Outward-bound past Flushing, mouth of River Schelde. Frame 335.5 x 45.5. Intended for the deals (fir or pine planks of certain dimensions) and cotton trades to Europe, the DUNNING carried both those cargoes under Maine skippers Thomas and Robert Skolfield. She loaded a cotton cargo at Mobile just after Secession in 1861 and departed quickly to avoid seizure. She also carried guano, grain, coal, and, under British ownership, rice. She was built at Brunswick in 1854 by Samuel Dunning and lost in 1864.