Woman's Christian Temperance Union
Since the beginning of this world’s history never has woman occupied the exalted plane now hers — not as the gift of man, but won by her through faith in God and unswerving loyally to her highest ideal of human life.
Through cultured mind and consecrated soul she touches the works of God to glorify them. On this world’s blighting sins and bleeding wrongs she turns the sunlight of righteous condemnation, and yet extends the warm white hand of loving sisterhood to he/p to a better life.
The School, the Church and the State are the chosen fields of her operations made possible in the greatest movement of the Nineteenth Century, known as the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, whose ultimate aim from the day of its birth has been the overthrow of vice and the crowning of virtue; whose battle-cry is heard throughout the world, “For God and Home and Every Land.”
On this card, with group, you see a Monument to woman’s prayer, faith, zeal and consecrated effort, by whose very existence the world will be brought nearer to God.
In the town of Boulder Creek, amid the grand old mountains of Santa Cruz County, California, there was planted in the Fall of 1892, through a gracious providence and the work of Mrs. Maj. E. T. Scott, National Organizer, a Woman’s Christian Temperance Union. Here a village surrounded by extensive lumber interests, a railroad terminus with scores of young men on the streets with little but evil before them; boys on the road to death — a woman’s heart is touched. “What ought to be done can be done,” said the W. C. T. U, and with woman’s faith it was resolved to build a Free Reading Room and Public Library. It meant incorporation, securing of lot, deed, time, money, toil; yet through difficulties, oppositions, discouragements and the greatest of financial depression the work has gone forward and with the assistance of a few noble men the plan is wrought — “A gem of beauty and a joy forever”— within whose walls we cry, “Thanks be to God who giveth us the victory!”
The building is a handsome design 24x48 feet, two-stories, elegantly finished. The first floor is devoted to the Library and W. C. T. U. parlor. The second to the Librarian and family. Already by generous donations our shelves are filling up with standard works — Yes, you are interested; but, dear friend, in the name of the homeless and friendless boys of the great West we ask you to buy this picture and thus help to fill a depleted treasury, meet honest indebtedness, encourage a noble cause and save immortal souls.
Done by order of the Boulder W. C. T. U., Jan. 1, 1894.
Financial Agent.
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