There are several features worth mentioning in this sculpture by one of the most outstanding young Finnish artists on the current art scene. One is its irregular and dynamic form, built with a material seemingly so soft that it could be crumpled like a sheet of paper. This dynamism is derived from its ins and outs, from its curves that appear to collide with each other. The steel is worked with great skill, conferring a sensation of lightness on the sculpture and transforming its malleability and texture into expressive elements. With its silver-plated surface, it reflects the light and moreover is transparent because there are multiple slits in the metal, strengthening the intense and varied perception of light and shade and making the landscape visible through it. The metal can literally be penetrated by a look, for the purpose of establishing a close relationship between the sculpture and the specific place where it is located and with which it enters into dialogue. Schroderus is a sculptor fully committed to patient, laborious hand-crafting of his materials.