

Master from Okoličné1500/1520

Oravská galéria v Dolnom Kubíne

Oravská galéria v Dolnom Kubíne
Dolný Kubín, Slovensko

The panel painting Whipping was originally part of a side altar from the Franciscan monastery church of the Virgin Mary in Okoličné. It has preserved a few fragments of its decoration from which two panel paintings are now situated in the Orava Gallery collections. The panel paintings represent the top-quality of the Central European late Gothic painting. Work of an anonymous master who created them is characterized by the synthesis of the achievements of Dutch late Gothic painting and early Renaissance Italian art, which is reflected in the perspective view, the psychological depth of facial expressions and coloristic qualities.

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  • Title: Whipping
  • Creator: Master from Okoličné
  • Date: 1500/1520
  • Location: Slovakia
  • Object Title - SK: Bičovanie
  • Type: panel painting
  • Rights: Oravská galéria v Dolnom Kubíne
Oravská galéria v Dolnom Kubíne

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