14 November1944
Dear Noruśka,
I feel fine myself but I am worried about you and your problems. I think I’ve written to you two times. I could have written more but I am not certain whether the address is the same and therefore, until receiving your reply I will not consider writing a longer letter. I am worried about you, Marysia, children and Mareczek who have so many troubles with the family. Such a big family and so many friends and yet, a few wise heads cannot be found, and there is this everlasting chaos in people’s heads. Aunt was right to keep reproaching herself, so I am not surprised that in recent weeks – as it seems – people were scared to visit her. However, she succeeded in good management of her own household and that of her cousins living in the neighbourhood.
I send you my kisses. Witold.
Warm greetings for Jerzy and his Family.
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