Composition in black and white. Parallel and tangled lines and shading. Composition representing two loggers sawing a log, having several stacks on the right and bottom boards representation thicket. In the foreground, log supported on trestles, and the on the left is lower than the on the right. The log is very thick and we have shown the shafts with the top section facing right. Two lumberjacks are cutting the log with tape saw, and one is on the log and the other below it. The top that is mounted on the log, is almost in profile to the right, has indicated facial features, arms flexed wielding Hacksaw cable; wears short-sleeved shirt, light pants and elastic gaiter. What is below is lying on the ground with his head to the left, leaning on a thin log, has represented facial features; arms extended upward grasping the ribbon cable handsaw; It has legs bent and feet flat on the floor; wear light clothing and elastic boots. The floor is represented by countless lines, which appear pieces of tree branches and some tree stumps already cut. In the center and on the right of the composition, after the loggers, several piles of boards of different widths at various positions. Basically, kills representation closed with trees still standing, lines representing vines and several quick and meandering risks indicating the foliage and undergrowth.