"This bentwood visor ... protects the eyes of the hunter from glare. It is decorated with ivory gull and walrus-head effigies, old-squaw (sea-duck) feathers, and red-painted border grooves." -- Anthropology; Ethnology; Arctic Anthropology; Arctic; NMNH; National Museum of Natural History; NHB; Natural History Building; object number E176207; E176207; 176207; hunting hat; hunting; hunt; hat; hunting visor; visor; wooden hat; wooden visor; wooden; wood; painted; paint; red; ivory hunting charm; ivory hunting charms; ivory charm; ivory charms; hunting charm; hunting charms; charm; charms; ivory walrus charm; ivory walrus charms; ivory walrus; walrus charm; walrus charms; ivory; walrus; ivory bird charm; ivory bird charms; ivory bird; bird charm; bird charms; bird; feather; feathers; rawhide cord; rawhide; cord; Yup'ik; Pastolik; Alaska; AK
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