Mahony, Bertha E.; Horn Book. [Carta, 194-],
Boston, MA [para] Candido Portinari, [s.l.]. [inglês][datilografado]
To Illustrators whose names and work are included in our new book:
In 1930 we published Contemporary Illustrators of Children’s Books. This book has been out of print since 1936. For several years now we have been compiling a book broader in scope, covering about 200 years, on Illustration in Children’s Books. The contents of the book will fall into the following parts:
Part I. Chapters historical and otherwise, and including the graphic arts processes, on Illustration in Children’s Books. (Our definition of “Children’s Book” is broad to include such profusely illustrated books as children undoubtedly used as picture books before 1900.)
Part II. Contemporary Illustrators – Biographical Notes.
Part III. Bibliographies: 1. Illustrators and Their Books. 2. Authors of Illustrated Books. 3. Books about Illustrators and Illustration. These bibliographies have been prepared by Louise Latimer, Director of Children’s Books, Washington Public Library, and her staff.
The Compilers of the book are Louise Latimer, Beulah Folmsbee, and myself. It is out plan to make it as fine in format and with as many reproductions of drawings as possible. The price will be at least $10.
Will you please fill out the enclosed sheet and send with it, as requested there, a short sketch (not to exceed 250 words) of your life. Please feel free to write it in the first or third person, as you prefer, and include, if you can, some reference to the roots out of which your work has sprung.
May we have your reply at your earliest convenience?
Very truly yours,
Bertha E. Mahony
Biographical Material for Illustration in Children’s Books to be published by The Horn Book, Inc.
NAME: _______________________________________________________________
DATE OF BIRTH: _____________________ PLACE: __________________________
WHERE WAS CHILDWOOD SPENT: ______________________________________
SCHOOLS ATTENDED: _________________________________________________
Please write – in the first or third person as you prefer – a short sketch of your life not longer than 250 words. If possible, included some statement of the roots out of which your work has grawn. It is not necessary to include a list of your books because of the carefully prepared bibliographies of Illustrators and Their Books to be included in Part III. See accompanying letter.