Joseph John Thomson

18 dic 1856 - 30 ago 1940

Joseph John "J.J." Thomson, fue un científico británico, descubridor del electrón, de los isótopos e inventor del espectrómetro de masa. En 1906 fue galardonado con el Premio Nobel de Física.
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12 elementos

“I have described at some length the application of Positive Rays to chemical analysis; one of the main reasons for writing this book was the hope that it might induce others, and especially chemists, to try this method of analysis. I feel sure that there are many problems in chemistry, which could be solved with far greater ease by this than any other method. The method is surprisingly sensitive — more so than even that of spectrum analysis, requires an infinitesimal amount of material, and does not require this to be specially purified; the technique is not difficult if appliances for producing high vacua are available.”

Joseph John Thomson
18 dic 1856 - 30 ago 1940

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