On the basis of several paintings by Vincent van Gogh, and quotes from his letters, the Beeldbrekers explore the inner world of the artist and what he showed the world outside. But not only that. They also invite you to reflect on yourself: to what extent is there a balance between your inner world and the way you present yourself?
In this exhibition – for and by young adults – the Beeldbrekers focus on the contradiction between how people see themselves and how they want to come across to others. Especially on social media, people carefully select photos and images to represent themselves to the outside world. This exhibition reveals a hidden world of feelings. To what extent is there a balance between your inner world of feelings and the way you present yourself?
Deze vijf beeldbrekers cureerden de tentoonstelling 'No Filter?' die vanaf 28 juni 2024 in het Van Gogh Museum te zien is. Foto: Andrew Kambel The Beeldbrekers. Foto: Andrew Kambel
Inner World Versus the World Outside No Filter? challenges you to explore this. You will see paintings that reveal aspects of Vincent van Gogh’s inner world and show how he presented himself to the world outside. Besides various works of art, you can find beautiful quotes from Van Gogh’s letters, in which he wrote about his feelings. You will discover what he wanted to show through his work and what he revealed of himself on canvas.
Self-Reflection This exhibition is not just about Vincent van Gogh, because the Beeldbrekers also invite you to think about yourself. How do you see yourself? Which feelings and emotions do you show the world outside and which do you keep to yourself?
For this unique project, the Beeldbrekers have put together an exhibition in which they invite you to self-reflect.
About the Beeldbrekers The Beeldbrekers (literally: ‘ReFramers’) are a group of young professionals and students who use their expertise to make the museum more inclusive and to widen its scope. They ask critical questions and find fresh angles from which to make the story of Van Gogh relevant for the people of today.