The Walls of Gaza II

A Series by Laila Shawa

The Deal from the series "Walls of Gaza II" (1994) by Laila Al ShawaContemporary Art Platform (CAP) Kuwait

Born in Gaza in 1940, Laila Shawa graduated summa cum laude in Fine Arts from the Italian Accademia di Belle Arti in 1964 and received a diploma in plastic arts from the Accademia San Giacomo in Rome. From 1965 to 1967, she returned to Gaza to teach arts and crafts to underprivileged children. She now lives and works in London.

Towards Liberation from the series "Walls of Gaza II" (1994) by Laila Al ShawaContemporary Art Platform (CAP) Kuwait

According to Shawa, the graffiti in Gaza is different from graffiti all over the world. It is used as a way for locals to communicate with each other.

12th Century AD from the series, "Walls of Gaza II" (1994) by Laila Al ShawaContemporary Art Platform (CAP) Kuwait

Evolving from photographs taken of graffiti appearing on the houses of Gaza during the first Intifada, they represent both, a powerful record of spontaneous and ephemeral communication during the media blackout enforced by Israel, as well as a bizarre mode of engagement between occupiers and occupied. The writing on the walls carried anything from personal communications to political slogans and calls for strikes to the Palestinian public.

Gates Within Gates from the series "Walls of Gaza II" (1994) by Laila Al ShawaContemporary Art Platform (CAP) Kuwait

Passages to Freedom "Walls of Gaza II" (1994) by Laila Al ShawaContemporary Art Platform (CAP) Kuwait

The initial impetus for a piece often comes from her own photographs, which are later transformed by means of silkscreen printing techniques.

Letter to a Mother from the series "Walls of Gaza II" (1994) by Laila Al ShawaContemporary Art Platform (CAP) Kuwait

Titled 'Letter to a Mother', this print includes photographs of graffiti drawn in demonstration against the Israeli occupation. The purple symbolizes the color used by the Israeli army to paint over the graffiti. The inscriptions are in support of Fateh, a section of the Palestine Liberation Organisation.

20 Targets from the series "Walls of Gaza II" (1994) by Laila Al ShawaContemporary Art Platform (CAP) Kuwait

As a Palestinian artist, Shawa’s concern is to reflect the political realities of her country, becoming, in the process, a chronicler of events. Her work is based on a heightened sense of realism and targets injustice and persecution wherever their roots may be.

The Sponsors from the series "Walls of Gaza II" (1994) by Laila Al ShawaContemporary Art Platform (CAP) Kuwait

Amended Resolutions II from the series "Walls of Gaza II" (1994) by Laila Al ShawaContemporary Art Platform (CAP) Kuwait

The written word is often present in her work which focuses on the heart-rending messages of hope and resistance spray-painted, in defiance of Israeli censorship, by the ordinary people of Gaza upon the walls of their city.

Amended Resolutions I from the series "Walls of Gaza II" (1994) by Laila Al ShawaContemporary Art Platform (CAP) Kuwait

Coke it is' from the series "Walls of Gaza II" (1994) by Laila Al ShawaContemporary Art Platform (CAP) Kuwait

Blood Money from the series "Walls of Gaza II" (1994) by Laila Al ShawaContemporary Art Platform (CAP) Kuwait

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