A Royal Treasure: The Javanese Batik Collection of King Chulalongkorn of Siam

His Majesty's batik collection from Java

By Queen Sirikit Museum of Textiles

Queen Sirikit Museum of Textiles

Batik Exhibition (2018-11-01) by Queen Sirikit Museum of TextilesQueen Sirikit Museum of Textiles

A Royal Treasure: The Javanese Batik Collection of King Chulalongkorn of Siam

The exhibition tells the story of King Chulalongkorn's three visits to Java and his encounters with batik. It also highlights the traditional batik-making process, identifies regional styles and discusses the sources and symbolic meaning of batik imagery.

Steam yacht (1871)Queen Sirikit Museum of Textiles

The Yacht

The royal steam yacht, “Regent”, in which King Chulalongkorn traveled to Java in his first trip.

Maha Chakri (1892) by Built in EnglandQueen Sirikit Museum of Textiles

The Gunboat

“Maha Chakri” sailed at Tanjung Perak port in Batavia, Java in His Majesty second trip and third trip. 

King Chulalongkorn and Queen Saowapha (1896-06-01)Queen Sirikit Museum of Textiles

The second trip to Java

King Chulalongkorn with Queen Saowapha and Doctor Melchior Treub at Bogor Botanical Gardens, Bogor on June 1st, 1896.

King Chulalongkorn (1901-06-30)Queen Sirikit Museum of Textiles

The third trip to Java

King Chulalongkorn with Susuhunan Pakubuwono X and Princess Suddha Dibyaratana at Pendopo inside Mangkunegaran Palace, Surakarta on June 30th, 1901.

Gallery 3

Batik of Coastal Central Java, Central Java, and West Java


Hand-drawn wax resist sarung from Pekalongan, Java. Unsigned but probably from the J.Jansmanufactory, especially in view of thecolors and type of pattern. 

The transverse panel is especially interesting and unusual.

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Producers of fine batik who cared about their reputation only signed batik that was perfectly done. Those with imperfections were given to relatives or taken to the common market for sale anonymously.


This beautiful batik attests to the fineskills of Cirebon’s batik workers. It is of the kelengan genre: blue-and whitebatik destined mainly for Chinese clientele mourning the real or perceiveddeath of a loved one.

In view of the luxurious picture of foliage and diverse birds, this batik could have been worn by a bride of Chinese descent on the night before she left home to live with her husband.

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This was perceived as a “death,” since thenceforth she belonged to her husband’s family.


Attributed to the workshop ofCarolina Josephina von Franquemont from Semarang, Java.

The transverse panel is rich with decorative detail and perfectly complements the body of this sarung.

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In rich shades of red accented with a deep green, birds, squirrels, butterflies of various sizes, and even a monkey peacefully go about their lives in a lush landscape of grape vines and flowers.

Sarung in Bang Bangan Style

Bang Nagan is the all-red coastal batik came from the word abang,
means red in Javanese. Scenes from Chinese mythology and customs were also depicted on batik in Lasem.

the Confucian scholar returning home after passing the all-important examination that gave him access to the prestigious civil service in Imperial China.

He rode into his village on a horse, waving and gesticulating
in triumph. This imagery also represents a wish for many successful sons.

Sometimes these figures were merely drawn in the finest of outlines, but they could also be beautifully detailed.

Ikat Kepala

Ikat Kepala or Headcloth from Cirebon, Java.

This is the only batik in the royal collection that still retains its gold leaf.

Gallery 4

Batik of Inland Central Java; Yogyakarta and Surukarta.

Kain Panjang with LungNanas Pattern

This Kain Panjang came from the workshop of W. F. van Lawick van Pabst at Yogyakarta, Java.

The name of this pattern means "Pineapple vine," perhaps because the stylized flowers resemble that fruit.

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Note the undulating vines suggesting the influence of European Art Nouveau.

Kemben with Rujak Senthe Pattern

The Breastwrapper from the workshop of W. F. van Lawick van Pabst at Yogyakarta, Java.

Rujak means a mixed fruit salad; Senthe refers to the taro leaf.

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This pattern was included in edicts limiting usage to the royal house and is related to the alsorestricted Udan Liris or “drizzling rain” pattern which was seen to signify fertility.

Javanese Batik Royal Attire (2018-11-01) by Queen Sirikit Museum of TextilesQueen Sirikit Museum of Textiles

The royal attire

His Majesty King Chulalongkorn’s dress in the Javanese royal attire. 

The royal attire sent to His Majesty by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VII, June 1896, 29th.

Javanese Batik Royal Attire (2018-11-01) by Queen Sirikit Museum of TextilesQueen Sirikit Museum of Textiles

A hat worn by members of royal courts of Central Java.

Batik with Sirikit Pattern (2018-11-01) by Queen Sirikit Museum of Textiles, Dr. Ir. Larasati S. Suleiman, and Sekar Jagad Batik AssociationQueen Sirikit Museum of Textiles

The Sirikit

Kain Panjang with Sirikit Pattern from Yogyakarta, the gift of Dr. Ir. Larasati S. Suleiman and the Sekar Jagad Batik Association.

This Kain Panjang has hand-drawn wax resist, vat-dyed on plain-weave cotton.

Batik with Sirikit Pattern (2018-11-01) by Queen Sirikit Museum of Textiles, Dr. Ir. Larasati S. Suleiman, and Sekar Jagad Batik AssociationQueen Sirikit Museum of Textiles

A striking batik pattern inspired by the beauty of Her Majesty Queen Sirikit and named in her honor.

It was created in commemoration of Their Majesties’ state visit to Indonesia in February 1960.

Batik with Sirikit Pattern (2018-11-01) by Queen Sirikit Museum of Textiles, Dr. Ir. Larasati S. Suleiman, and Sekar Jagad Batik AssociationQueen Sirikit Museum of Textiles

“A Royal Treasure: The Javanese Batik Collection of King Chulalongkorn of Siam” (2018-11-01) by Queen Sirikit Museum of TextilesQueen Sirikit Museum of Textiles

Credits: Story

Thanks to the following organizations and individuals
for their assistance in the creation of this exhibition

พิพิธภัณฑ์ผ้าในสมเด็จพระนางเจ้าสิริกิติ์ พระบรมราชินีนาถ
Queen Sirikit Museum of Textiles
Bureau of the Royal Household
กองราชเลขานุการในพระองค์สมเด็จพระบรมราชินีนาถ ในรัชกาลที่ ๙
Her Majesty Queen Sirikit’s Private Secretary Division
กองงานในพระองค์สมเด็จพระเทพรัตนราชสุดา ฯ สยามบรมราชกุมารี
Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn’s Personal Affairs Division
The Crown Property Bureau
Yogyakarta Palace, Yogyakarta (Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat)
Paku Alam Palace, Yogyakarta (Kadipaten Pakualaman)
Joyokusumo Palace, Yogyakarta
Mangkunegaran Palace, Surakarta
Kasunanan Palace, Surakarta
Kasepuhan Palace, Cirebon
Kanoman Palace, Cirebon
สถานเอกอัครราชทูตสาธารณรัฐอินโดนีเซียประจำกรุงเทพฯ ประเทศไทย
Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, Bangkok
ท่านผู้หญิงจรุงจิตต์ ทีขะระ
Thanpuying Charungjit Teekara
ท่านผู้หญิงอรนุช อิศรางกูร ณ อยุธยา
Thanpuying Oranuch Israngkun Na Ayuthaya
ท่านผู้หญิงสุภรภ์เพ็ญ หลวงเทพนิมิต
Thanpuying Supornphen Luangthepnimit
ท่านผู้หญิงภรณี มหานนท์
Thanpuying Pharani Mahanonda
ท่านผู้หญิงจีริกัญญา โชติกเสถียร
Thanpuying Chirikanya Jotikasthira
ท่านผู้หญิงรวิจิตร์ สุวรรณบุบผา
Thanpuying Ravijit Suwanbubpa
ท่านผู้หญิงอินทิรา พลธร
Thanpuying Indira Polathorn
หม่อมหลวงอรจิตรา สนิทวงศ์
M.L. Aurajitra Snitwongse
อรรคฤทธิ์ ทรัพย์ยิ่ง
Arkarit Sapying
การุญ จันทรางศุ
Karoon Chandrangsu
โอภาส สายะเสวี
Opas Sayasevi
บุญพงษ์ กิจวัฒนาชัย
Boonpong Kijwatanachai
คุณหญิงอุไรวรรณ สวัสดิศานต์
Khunying Uraiwan Svasdisant
นภาพร เล้าสินวัฒนา
Napaporn Loussinwattana
มยุรี วีระประเสริฐ
Mayuree Veeraprasert
อิ่มทิพย์ ปัตตะโชติ ซูฮาร์โต
Imtip Pattajoti Suharto
ณัฐ ประกอบสันติสุข
Nat Prakobsantisuk
สีวิกา ประกอบสันติสุข
Sivika Prakobsantisuk
อำนาจ ชอบธรรม
Amnat Chobtham
จูดิธ อาเคียดี
Judith Achjadi
ซานดรา นีสเซน
Sandra Niessen
มาเรียห์ วาโวรันตู
Mariah Waworuntu
ฮานี วิโนโตซาสโตร
Hani Winotosastro
National Archives of Thailand
King Prajadhipok Studies Center
พิพิธภัณฑสถานแห่งชาติ กรุงจาการ์ตา
National Museum, Jakarta
พิพิธภัณฑ์ผ้า กรุงจาการ์ตา
Textile Museum, Jakarta
พิพิธภัณฑ์ผ้าบาติก ดานาร์ ฮาดี
Museum Batik Danar Hadi
พิพิธภัณฑ์มานุษยวิทยาแห่งชาติ เมืองไลเดน
National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden
Leiden University Library
พิพิธภัณฑ์โทรเปน เมืองอัมสเตอร์ดัม
Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam
พิพิธภัณฑ์เวเรลด์ เมืองรอตเตอร์ดัม
Wereweldmuseum, Rotterdam
พิพิธภัณฑ์เราเทนซเตราช์-โยสท์ เมืองโคโลญจน์
Rautenstrauch-Joest Museum, Cologne
หอจดหมายเหตุอินดิช ฟามิลี กรุงเฮก
Indisch Familie Archief, The Hague
ศูนย์วัฒนธรรมมาโซนิค (ซีเอ็มซี) กรุงเฮก
Cultural Masonic Center (CMC), Prince Frederik, The Hague
ห้องจัดแสดงผ้าบาติกของนายรูดอล์ฟ สเมนด์ เมืองโคโลญจน์
Galerie Smend, Cologne
วิโนโตซาสโตร บาติก
Winotosastro Batik
บาติก ชาห์โย
Batik Cahyo
บาติก ลิม ปิง เวย์
Batik Lim Ping Wie
บาติก คาตูรา
Batik Katura
บริษัท แปลนโมทิฟ จำกัด
Plan Motif Co.,Ltd.
บริษัท พันโพนีส์ จำกัด
1000 PONIES Co., Ltd.

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.

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