
On the United Nations 75th anniversary, we asked people around the world to share their vision of #TheWorldWeWant.

By the United Nations

Winning images from #TheWorldWeWant, a global photo contest hosted and organized by mobile app Agora in commemoration of the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations.

On the United Nations 75th anniversary, we asked people around the world to share their vision of #TheWorldWeWant.

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres by UN Photo/Mark Gartenthe United Nations

“At a time when the world faces a global pandemic and other formidable threats, we must join forces across borders and generations to work together for a better common future. This photo exhibition can help to inspire us for this collective task.”  – UN Secretary-General, António Guterres

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres launched a global conversation on the world’s future, inviting everyone, everywhere to participate, to commemorate the United Nations 75th anniversary.

Preamble to the United Nations Charter by UN Photothe United Nations

75 years ago, in the aftermath of the horrors of WWII, the United Nations Charter articulated an audacious hope issued by “We the Peoples of the United Nations” to protect, value and promote human rights, dignity, justice and peace for all.

Today, the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic—arguably the greatest test humanity has experienced since WWII—has exposed the existing fault lines of inequality, injustice, fear and misinformation, underscored by the climate crisis and an unparalleled extinction of species on our planet. In this moment of reckoning, the voices of “We the Peoples” could not be more critical in charting a course forward for humanity on our shared planet.

Projections on Sustainable Development Goals and 70th Anniversary of the United Nations by UN Photo/Cia Pakthe United Nations

#TheWorldWeWant exhibit is a special collection of 75 photos, curated from more than 50,000 images crowdsourced from over 130 countries. It is a creative response to the Secretary-General’s call to hear directly from the peoples of the world about their hopes and dreams for the future.

The photos express a stunning array of diverse and compelling perspectives capturing humanity’s resilience and undaunted hope for a brighter future; a profound awareness of our interconnectedness; a deep aspiration for equality, justice and inclusion; and a sense of awe for nature’s beauty and its power to sustain all life.

Together, the 75 images form a visual manifesto illustrating a collective drive to protect, heal and regenerate our world and demonstrate that there is much more that unites us than divides us. The photos highlight the urgent need for the international community to come together in common purpose to manifest a new reality where all people can thrive in peace, dignity and equality on a healthy planet.

Old traditional windmills by Georgios Kossieristhe United Nations

"The world I want is moving towards safe, clean and renewable energy sources as a sign of respect to our surrounding natural environment. Actionable change on sustainable energy will help us minimize our impact on wildlife, land and water."
Georgios Kossieris, Greece, photo taken in the Netherlands

The incredible wild mountain gorillas by Joe Shellythe United Nations

"The mindset that the natural world is ours to destroy and profit from needs to change. With deforestation encroaching on many important habitats around the world, we need to ask ourselves if our consumption is worth more than these animals' existence. The natural world has been pushed aside by expanding agricultural and urban areas, leaving barely any room for wildlife. Protecting small areas is no longer enough - we need to rewild and give land back to nature."
Joe Shelly, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, photo taken in Uganda

I want to go to school with my friends safely again like before by Lety Lizathe United Nations

"We need to make the world a better place to keep children safe in the places where they live, learn and play."
Lety Liza, Indonesia

Borneo is one of the most biodiverse places on Earth by Fredrik Stenmarkthe United Nations

"I want a world without deforestation. Did you know that Borneo is one of the most biodiverse places on Earth - with over 15,000 plant species and 400 different species of animals such as birds, mammals and reptiles? Many of them can only be found here and nowhere else. It’s so important to protect places like this in the world and make sure that they still exist for generations to come."
Fredrik Stenmark, Sweden, photo taken in Malaysia

Where the pasture is green and fertile by Nur'Din Musathe United Nations

"The world I would want my unborn children to exist in has been built on a foundation called love, where the pasture is green and fertile."
Nur'Din Musa, Nigeria

Children looking for adventure by María Azpiroz de Achavalthe United Nations

"I want a peaceful and safe world for our children, where they can look forward to their future with great expectation and joy regardless of their colour or nationality."
María Azpiroz de Achaval, Argentina

Happiness with grandma by Andika Oky Arisandithe United Nations

"I want the world to be full of happiness."
Andika Oky Arisandi, Indonesia

Together we are stronger by Kevin Ochiengthe United Nations

"I want a world where we embrace each other and turn our flaws into strengths."
Kevin Ochieng, Kenya

Celebration can be in any form #MenstrualHygieneDay this is definitely WORLD we want by Dennis Onyangothe United Nations

"We want a world where our girls can go to school freely, without fearing their menstrual cycle. We need to advocate for free sanitary towels for children in school."
Dennis Onyango, Kenya

Unique ice cave formation by Jeffrey Kiefferthe United Nations

"This unique ice cave formation brings me bittersweet memories: a tour of the area will no doubt leave you in awe, but the unprecedented rate at which this glacier has been receding is staggering. I want a world where future generations can still have the chance to see and enjoy this beauty, let’s work together to stop climate change!"
Jeffrey Kieffer, Sweden, photo taken in Iceland

Love undefined by Emmanuel Obuobithe United Nations

"This photo is about the simplest, purest and most basic type of love that can break every type of barrier, be it gender, religion, language, status, location. I want us to live in a world where we care for each other, because we have become people who love half-heartedly and often are afraid of taking risks for love."
Emmanuel Obuobi, Ghana

In a perfect world there would be so many waterfalls and greens by Katharina Imhofthe United Nations

"I want a world where people protect the beauty of nature and treat mountains with due respect."
Katharina Imhof, Germany

RunColor (Child with prosthesis at a party) by Farzad Ariannejadthe United Nations

"I want a world full of love in which people help each other to achieve their goals."
Farzad Ariannejad, Islamic Republic of Iran, photo taken in the Netherlands

We build the future together with no social frames, be free by Darya Skalathe United Nations

"We need to build a future free of social frames for a borderless world."
Darya Skala, Belarus

Love between orphan elephants by Santi Nietothe United Nations

"I want a world where our society acknowledges the feelings of all living beings because we are all interconnected to each other, sharing the same home: planet Earth."
Santi Nieto, Spain, photo taken in Kenya

We stand together by Nelson Gbevethe United Nations

"This image has become a solid voice for the #BlackLivesMatter movement calling for justice. I want a world where a person's skin color does not dictate how they are treated, where our individual differences do not divide us but unite us in love, a world where we stand together."
Nelson Gbeve, United States of America

A girl plays alone while the boys play a soccer game. It is the beginning of marginalization. by Victorino García Calderónthe United Nations

"I want a world where education empowers girls and women and ends sexist behavior and practices. In this photo, children are seen playing football, while a girl is left alone to play on the other side of the pitch. I see this as the beginning of marginalization that may have unintended and lasting consequences."
Victorino García Calderón, Spain

A young man in Colorado protests the Killing of George Floyd by Joseph Rousethe United Nations

Joseph Rouse, United States of America

Some of us had already planned to go far (2018) by Rannga Aditya Saputrathe United Nations

Rannga Aditya Saputra, Indonesia, photo taken in New Zealand

Somber- exhibiting the black experience by Latoya Fitoorthe United Nations

"I want a world where mental health is taken as seriously as physical health. I portrayed the way I desire young people to slow down and take care of their mental health, to simply breathe. I believe young people can’t do this properly until they are educated and equipped with practical steps on how to deal with anxiety."
Latoya Fitoor, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

I want a world where energy is green and have low impact on the environment by Maxime Pontoirethe United Nations

"I want a world sustained by green energy that generates the lowest impact possible on the environment."
Maxime Pontoire, France

Zebra by Col Husonthe United Nations

"The rate of extinction in wildlife is accelerating. It is important for us to protect our wildlife for future generations."
Col Huson, South Africa

Nature-human-life. Peaceful future with nature and love. Happy faces-Simple Life. by Demet Özer Yakutthe United Nations

"I want a world where we can live peacefully, in full harmony with nature. While rural populations living far from the hustle of cities may not have access to technology and luxury, they have a deeper connection with the environment surrounding them."
Demet Özer Yakut, Turkey

The Lovely Dunk by Nicolas Prègrethe United Nations

"To me, this picture is the perfect example of what I want for the future generations: a world where prejudices do not exist."
Nicolas Prègre, France, photo taken in United States of America

Untitled by Omar Rosettethe United Nations

Omar Rosette, Mexico

Unforgettable sunset by Berénice Minthe United Nations

"The world that we want is the one that we create from love, respect and solidarity. I want a world full of love and joy, where I can enjoy some unforgettable sunsets with my girl."
Berénice Min, Spain

Love by Md Ismailthe United Nations

Md Ismail, Bangladesh

Golden childhood by Mahady Hasan Riadthe United Nations

"My wish is to make travelling more accessible in order to experience other cultures around the world and make memories that will last a lifetime. We need to preserve the multiplicity of humanity's culture to continue learning from one another."
Mahady Hasan Riad, Bangladesh

I want a world where the children can smile and access to education. by Antonio Herrerathe United Nations

"Despite progress to end national conflict, Colombian children continue to be the victims of war and inequality in the country. I want to live in a world where all children can smile, play and be educated; a world where violence and misery cannot destroy their dreams."
Antonio Herrera, Colombia

Hopeful smile by Paula Aranoathe United Nations

"I want a world where doctors get the recognition they deserve for their hard work and deep commitment. They become heroes from the moment they choose their profession, risking their lives on the battlefield like gladiators."
Paula Aranoa, Argentina

Be free by Aminath Munathe United Nations

"I want all humans to experience freedom just like these two rays swimming in the Indian Ocean."
Aminath Muna, Maldives

School children happy to learn something new and exciting by Basil Nuellathe United Nations

"In the world I want, you can hear laughter all around. The diversity of language doesn't affect friendship and the practice of sports brings humanity together."
Basil Nuella, Nigeria

Fly by Erika Hernandezthe United Nations

"Everybody should be free to fly, explore and live their lives to the fullest."
Erika Hernandez, Mexico

Pueblos originarios, Chola reclamando por sus derechos by Maria A Mitranothe United Nations

"My photo represents the fight of indigenous people protesting for their human rights. I want a world where we can all be socially equal, but humanly different. I want a world where the rights of indigenous people are respected."
Maria A Mitrano, Argentina

Ebony and Ivory - we all matter by Graham Gallthe United Nations

"I want a world that protects the loving co-existence of people regardless of their skin colour."
Graham Gall, Australia

Young girls celebrating Ashenda by Alazar Kassa Gebreyohannesthe United Nations

"I want a world where women and girls feel safe, protected and empowered to speak up for themselves."
Alazar Kassa Gebreyohannes, Ethiopia

Los sueños son posibles by Jhon Raymethe United Nations

"I want a world where all our dreams can come true."
Jhon Rayme, Peru

Life full of beauty by Aivi Ellerthe United Nations

"I see a world of beauty here and beyond the horizon. We all just need to open our eyes and appreciate it."
Aivi Eller, Estonia

Save water to save the future by Asim Ijazthe United Nations

"Our environment is increasingly threatened day by day, making for an alarming situation for future generations. Every child has a right to health care, clean water and education. The world I want makes sure that they are never denied these basic rights."
Asim Ijaz, Pakistan

We want a world filled with joy and laughter by Jovanne Amolatthe United Nations

"I want a world filled with joy and laughter, where love, mutual understanding, acceptance and positivity defeat hatred."
Jovanne Amolat, Philippines, photo taken in Singapore

From a BLM march by Kyle Livingstonethe United Nations

"Our generation wants a future free of racial injustices, bringing justice to those who break the law and treat others of different ethnicities with disrespect."
Kyle Livingstone, Canada

Equal opportunity to all kids by Kiran Parameshthe United Nations

"The world I want builds bridges instead of borders and provides equal access to quality education for children in remote areas."
Kiran Paramesh, India

Quiero un mundo lleno de sonrisas by Lou Jiménezthe United Nations

"I want a world full of smiles that brighten up our days, without suffering from mistreatment or discrimination. A world full of happiness and love to boost our desire to live and thrive."
Lou Jiménez, Ecuador

Please help us to rebuild our world by Maria Kourmpetithe United Nations

"The world as I dream it, is a world where people live in peace. Too many kids currently lack proper access to education, having to choose between books and guns. I believe our best weapon to build a better world is to listen to our children and follow their innocence. We must identify with them. We need to be like children and young people. As a teacher, I will keep educating my students towards this path of life, giving them good reasons to fight for peace and love."
Maria Kourmpeti, Greece

The world has no place for racism, colorism, or discrimination of any kind. by Kreative Kwamethe United Nations

"The world has no place for racism, colorism or discrimination of any kind."
Kreative Kwame, Cameroon

A peaceful and quiet place where nature and man become one by Kyunghwa Leethe United Nations

"I was deeply impressed by the sight of this fisherman rowing a small fishing boat during sunset, in perfect harmony with nature. I want our children to live in a clean and unspoiled place and pass this legacy on to their children too."
Kyunghwa Lee, Republic of Korea, photo taken in China

Family is the most important thing in the world by Jay Juwan Vicenciothe United Nations

"Spending quality time with the family is the most precious thing in the world."
Jay Juwan Vicencio, Philippines

Fierce and empowered women, sustainable agriculture by Minerva Sadekthe United Nations

“The empowerment of women and farmers is a key pillar in the sustainable, inclusive, equal and healthy world that we all want."
Minerva Sadek, Lebanon

Eradicate poverty and homelessness by Mohammad Moheimanithe United Nations

"Every human has the right to access healthcare. I want a world where poverty belongs to the past and where economic equality is recognized as the key to our future."
Mohammad Moheimani, Islamic Republic of Iran

The world of happiness by Md. Nafiul Hasan Nasimthe United Nations

"I want a world where freedom of movement allows the next generations to live healthy and joyful lives."
Md. Nafiul Hasan Nasim, Bangladesh

Good to be a father by Jevgenijs Scolokovsthe United Nations

"All our actions on Earth have consequences. We should leave a better world for our children to thrive and fulfill their dreams."
Jevgenijs Scolokovs, Latvia

Work together in corn drying field by Tajrina Begumthe United Nations

"I believe in female empowerment and gender equality. I want a world where men and women have the opportunity to work side by side."
Tajrina Begum, Bangladesh

International Society of Regenerative Medicine and Wound Repair by Karesseythe United Nations

Karessey, China, photo taken prior to onset of COVID pandemic

What if we lived in a world without chaos, war, and discrimination? by Richard Kerby Cadiz Jr.the United Nations

"I want a world where grown-ups protect the youngest ones in our society by providing for their basic physical needs like food, shelter, clothing, education and medical care. Every child must be given emotional support such as trust, respect, self-esteem, independence and most importantly, love. I want a world where happiness for all is not impossible."
Richard Kerby Cadiz Jr., Philippines

Respect for all living beings ... by Rossella Portathe United Nations

"The world I want is a world where every mother is free to convey her deep values, emotions and passions to her children. One minute before taking this photo, I saw my son stroking that horse and talking to him in a low voice. I was overwhelmed to find this boundless respect and love for nature in him."
Rossella Porta, Italy

I wish to see a world where we stopped global warming instead of turning it into a conspiracy theory by Shumaila Bhattithe United Nations

"I wish to see a world where we truly work together to fight global warming. I want a world where the natural resources we are carelessly abusing are protected so others may have the chance to admire the beauty we have been blessed to witness. I want this image to highlight the climate emergency we are in and must act fast against by holding everyone accountable in order to stop or reduce this impending disaster."
Shumaila Bhatti, Pakistan, photo taken in United States of America

B.L.A.C.K. by Tadiwa Nashethe United Nations

"The world I want for future generations is bold and portrays a sense of peace and liberation. I want freedom and contentment within oneself and within the world, condemning any form of racial or identity discrimination. As long as we are under the same sun, we all belong to the same world and we should all be free."
Tadiwa Nashe, Zimbabwe

I visited one village in the upper East region of Ghana by Edward Aning Poakwahthe United Nations

"I want a world where determination can turn education into success. As I wandered through this community, I realised that even if education was accessible for all, only few could access quality education. Despite lacking proper school material to study these children were more determined to succeed than ever."
Edward Aning Poakwah, Ghana

Happiness by Tran Hong Thaithe United Nations

Tran Hong Thai, Viet Nam

Eternal bond starts from here. World peace also starts from here. by Hikari Otsukathe United Nations

"I want a world where we can live in peace as human beings. Although everyone has a different culture, country, gender, language, skin tone, or background, we must work together to bring humanity peace."
Hikari Otsuka, Japan

Human love forever by Andy Lamthe United Nations

"Even though our lives are getting busier, we still need to make time to take care of our elders. Small gestures like playing games, or eating together, can help in fighting loneliness and improving their overall physical and mental health."
Andy Lam, Viet Nam

We want a world full of joy, happiness, festivities and colors by Muhammad Aslam Gujjarthe United Nations

"I want a world full of festivities and colors where we all celebrate the wonders of life."
Muhammad Aslam Gujjar

Smile is the best communication by Ling Lingthe United Nations

"I want a world where a smile is the best communication tool."
Ling Ling, Myanmar

We want a happy, free world by Md Sabbirthe United Nations

"I imagine a world without any wars or violence. Every child growing up on this planet deserves a happy and free childhood."
Md Sabbir, Bangladesh

Eu quero a paz e a beleza africana na felicidade de um amanhã sem medos by Rennan Peixethe United Nations

"I want a world where tomorrow is not feared, a world where African descendants can live in peace."
Rennan Peixe, Brazil

Let's keep the world green! by Kate Omelythe United Nations

"I want a world where all people commit themselves to take care of our planet and treat nature, which surrounds and sustains us, with love. It is important to preserve our natural heritage for future generations."
Kate Omely, Russian Federation

We need to be aware of our size in the world by Allan Agüero Calvothe United Nations

"We need to be aware of our size and place in the world."
Allan Agüero Calvo, Costa Rica

The hope that sustains us by Fernanda Contrerasthe United Nations

"Even if the light of hope is small, it is our duty to keep the flame alight until our last breath. When you least expect it, you may meet others who seek to create a better world just like you."
Fernanda Contreras, Chile

Menino Romão by Rosana Albuquerquethe United Nations

"The world I want is a place where each person can treat others as they'd like to be treated, as equals, beyond frontiers."
Rosana Albuquerque, Brazil, photo taken in Mozambique

Young monks at Hsinbyume Pagoda, Myanmar by Sabina Akterthe United Nations

"The world I want gives you the freedom to enjoy life, wherever you may be."
Sabina Akter, Bangladesh, photo taken in Myanmar

Take care of the planet! by Nataliya Sevriukovathe United Nations

"I want a world that preserves the beauty and diversity of wildlife where my children can discover wild animals in their natural habitats and not only in pictures. We can contribute to the future of our planet by changing our daily habits and educating our children about the environment."
Nataliya Sevriukova, Ukraine

Nature connection by Rui Farinhathe United Nations

"Our mission is to save planet Earth and leave it better than we found it."
Rui Farinha, Portugal

#TheWorldWeWant by Svetlana Razumovskayathe United Nations

"I want a world of kindness, where people share their warmth and love for each other and all species."
Svetlana Razumovskaya, Russian Federation

Light in the eyes. Light of Life by Zulqarnain Tiwanathe United Nations

"I want a world where children can grow with light in their eyes and hope in their hearts."
Zulqarnain Tiwana, Pakistan

Berbere Afrique Du Nord by Tarek Herichithe United Nations

Tarek Herichi, Tunisia

Credits: Story

Winning images from #TheWorldWeWant, a global photo contest hosted and organized by mobile app Agora in commemoration of the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations.

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.
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