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Abbey Theatre
Dublin, Ireland
Virtual visits
58 Items
Abbey Theatre logo
Elinor Mary Monsell
When the Dawn is Come by Thomas MacDonagh, published playscript.
Abbey Theatre
Programme for the opening night of the Abbey Theatre.
Abbey Theatre
An Abbey Theatre opening night at the Queen's Theatre, Dublin.
Photographer unknown
Peadar Kearney, Easter Rising 1916 rebel and Abbey Theatre staff member.
Seaghan Barlow
Sean Connolly, Easter Rising 1916 rebel and Abbey Theatre actor.
Photographer unknown
Auditorium of the old Abbey Theatre.
Photographer unknown
Unveiling of the Easter Rising 1916 commemoration plaque.
Photographer unknown
Abbey Theatre auditorium.
John Donat
Barry Fitzgerald in The Plough and the Stars by Sean O'Casey.
Photographer unknown
Kathleen Ni Houlihan by W.B. Yeats.
Irish Literary Theatre
Plymouth Theatre, Boston programme.
Abbey Theatre
Exterior of the old Abbey Theatre.
Photographer unknown
W.B. Yeats.
Photographer unknown
John Millington Synge, playwright.
Photographer unknown
The script cupboard at the Abbey Theatre, following the fire.
Photographer unknown
Abbey Theatre poster, Easter 1916
Abbey Theatre
Spreading The News by Lady Augusta Gregory.
Photographer unknown
Riders to the Sea by John Millington Synge.
Photographer unknown
Easter Rising Commemorative programme.
Abbey Theatre
The Plough and the Stars by Sean O'Casey, prompt script.
Sean O'Casey
Ticket for the opening night of the Peacock Theatre.
Abbey Theatre
The Shewing Up of Blanco Posnet by George Bernard Shaw.
Photographer unknown
Máire Nic Shiubhlaigh as Queen Gormleith in Kincora by Lady Augusta Gregory.
Photographer unknown
Portrait of Máire Nic Shiubhlaigh.
John Butler Yeats
Ellen Bushell, Easter Rising 1916 rebel and Abbey Theatre staff member.
Photographer unknown
Dervorgilla by Lady Augusta Gregory.
James G. Maguire
Portrait of Annie Horniman.
John Butler Yeats
New Abbey Theatre.
John Donat
Portrait of Frank Fay.
John Butler Yeats
Seymour's Redemption by Count Casimir Dunin-Markievicz, programme.
Abbey Theatre
Easter Rising 1916 rebel, Arthur Shields (right) with fellow Abbey Theatre actor Gabriel Fallon.
Photographer unknown
The King's Threshold by W.B. Yeats.
Irish Literary Theatre
Portrait sketch of Lady Augusta Gregory.
John Butler Yeats
Easter Rising 1916 commemorative plaque at the Abbey Theatre.
Photographer unknown
Lady Augusta Gregory in Kathleen Ni Houlihan by W.B. Yeats.
Photographer unknown
The Theatre of Ireland company at the Abbey Theatre.
The Theatre of Ireland
Barney Murphy, Easter Rising 1916 rebel and Abbey Theatre staff member.
Photographer unknown
Costume design for On Baile's Strand by W.B. Yeats.
Charles Ricketts
A Christmas Hamper by Mr and Mrs McHardy-Flint's company, programme.
Abbey Theatre
Portrait of William G. Fay.
John Butler Yeats
The Theatre of Ireland company playing at the Abbey Theatre.
The Theatre of Ireland
Property list for Widower's Houses by Bernard Shaw.
Abbey Theatre
Performances in aid of St. Enda's College by the Abbey Theatre.
Abbey Theatre
Touring licence for The Playboy of the Western World by John Millington Synge,
Lord Chamberlain's Office, London
The Dreamers featuring Helena Molony, Easter Rising 1916 rebel and Abbey Theatre actor.
Abbey Theatre
Abbey Theatre advertisement for its first visit to Belfast.
Abbey Theatre
The Playboy of the Western World by John Millington Synge, programme.
Abbey Theatre
Abbey Theate Fund leaflet.
Abbey Theatre
Maxine Elliott's Theatre programme.
Abbey Theatre
Programme of opening night performances at the Abbey Theatre.
Abbey Theatre
The Plough and the Stars by Sean O'Casey, programme.
Abbey Theatre
Abbey Theatre at The Rupert Gunness Hall, Dublin.
Abbey Theatre
Drinks list from the Pit Café, Abbey Theatre.
Abbey Theatre
Programme of performances for Easter Tuesday.
Abbey Theatre
Programme of performances for Easter Monday.
Abbey Theatre
Extract from The Arrow.
Abbey Theatre
When the Dawn is Come by Thomas MacDonagh; programme for the first production.
Abbey Theatre
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