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Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna
Bologna, Italy
Virtual visits
131 Items
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Peace is color
Giorgia Larosa
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Afternoon Stillness
Benedetta Falcone
Minerva o Pallade di Velletri (Copia di)
Project for the Church of St. Lorenzo in Florence
Edoardo Stefano Collamarini
Room with a view
Veronica Pellinghelli
Project of the cathedral od Montepulciano
Edoardo Stefano Collamarini
Testa di uno dei Dioscuri del Quirinale (Copia di)
The Bull
Gabriele Melegari
Unique language of vibration of love
Iryna Falendysh
Three projects for the facade of the basilica os St. Lorenzo in Florence
Edoardo Stefano Collamarini
Privazione (Deprivation)
Denise Biasiolo
& nbsp
Nicholas Pinna
Scorci in quarantena 2020
Pavlo Mykhaylin
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Three projects for the facade of the basilica os St. Lorenzo in Florence
Edoardo Stefano Collamarini
What's inside
Michela Degioannis
May in Feriole
Pieralvise Santi
Melancholic end of days
Noah Schiatti
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Abstract Landacape
Antonio Ruscigno
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Punti luce
Alessandro Martufi
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Road of Bologna
Ugo Valeri
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
When something happens outside the window
Hu Yunwen
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Never seen you before
Barbara Mazzi
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Malattia e cura
Meng Zibo
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Three projects for the facade of the basilica os St. Lorenzo in Florence
Edoardo Stefano Collamarini
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Plaster cast of the panels of the Porta Maggiore of the Basilica of S. Petronio in Bologna
Il fiume rosso
Giorgia Fiorio
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