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Archivo General de la Nación - Mexico
Mexico, Mexico
Virtual visits
93 Items
Frida Kahlo's Teaching Contract
Online Exhibit
Process for making a common bread
During the eighteenth century in New Spain different types of bread, varying in terms of its preparation, composition and weight.
Online Exhibit
Benito Juárez's meal two days before his death.
A manuscript with the handwriting of President Juárez reveals the food he consumed two days before his death.
Online Exhibit
Map of Luzon, Philippines Following A Volcano Eruption
Online Exhibit
Expenses and kitchen notes of the Lord's house President of the Republic Don Benito Juárez
Inside the house of President Benito Juárez: an "inventory" of the ingredients that made up the dishes consumed by the Benito Juárez and his family.
Online Exhibit
El AGN resguardada, desde 1970, el Archivo del Comité Organizador de los Juegos Olímpicos, donado por el Estado mexicano; del cual se muestran valiosos expedientes.
Online Exhibit
Emiliano Zapata: A Symbol of Struggle
Online Exhibit
Learn how cooking recipes gave national identity to Mexican cuisine
The publication of the first recipes in Mexico emerged in 1831, starting with them a new publishing genre not only in the country but throughout Latin America.
Online Exhibit
Genealogía de Diego de Mendoza Austria Moctezuma
Online Exhibit
Beyond the Games: The Art of the 1968 Mexico Olympics
A journey through sculptures that celebrate international unity and artistic innovation
Online Exhibit
Mexico City's Olympic Art Route
Discover the artistic legacy of the Mexico City Olympics through the "Route of Friendship"
Online Exhibit
Coat of Arms of The Cities Tzintzuntzan, Pátzcuaro, and Guayangareo
Online Exhibit
La crónica de Michoacán: evangelización indígena
Online Exhibit
Realists vs Insurgents Cartoon
Online Exhibit
Marriage Certificate of Francisco Ignacio Madero and Sara Pérez
Online Exhibit
Tzintzuntzan, Pátzcuaro y poblaciones alrededor de la laguna
Este mapa es parte de la colección de 300 que están inscritos en el registro de Memoria del Mundo, pertenecientes al Archivo General de la Nación, México.
Online Exhibit
Army Uniform Designs
Online Exhibit
José Revueltas: His Journey As An Arts Teacher
Online Exhibit
Archivo General de la Nación
Enjoy this virtual tour of the historic building of the former Lecumberri Penitentiary and of the laboratories and stockpiles where the documentary memory of Mexico is protected.
Online Exhibit
Cédula Real sobre la fundación de la Real Universidad de México
Online Exhibit
The First Railway in Mexico
Online Exhibit
Mapa de la Intendencia de Veracruz
Online Exhibit
A Background Look at the Birth of the States of the Mexican Republic
Before the consolidation of the Mexican territory as a Federal Republic, the Consummation of Independence and the coronation of Augustine I as Emperor of the First Empire were important factors that influenced the creation of the state.
Online Exhibit
Program of the Liberal Mexican Party and National Manifesto
Online Exhibit
Collection of Varios Poems of the Vice-Regal Period
Online Exhibit
The Conditions and Treaty of Ciudad Juarez
Online Exhibit
The Torment and Death of the Prisoners who Attempted To Murder The King of Portugal
Online Exhibit
Map of the Zacatecas Intendancy
Online Exhibit
Himno Nacional Mexicano
The General Archive of the Nation preserves the original score, endorsed by the three powers of the Union, of the National Anthem, this document establishes how it should be interpreted by all Mexicans.
Online Exhibit
Ayutla Plan
On March 1, 1854, the Ayutla Plan was promulgated, which contains the ideological foundations that gave meaning to the armed uprising that ended the government of Antonio López de Santa Anna and convened the Constituent Congress that formulated the Constitution of 1857.
Online Exhibit
Map of the Fort and Missions of San Antonio
Online Exhibit
A Collection Of Love Letters
Online Exhibit
From suffrage to equity. 65 years of the vote of women in Mexico
In the elections of July 3, 1955, Mexican women went to the polls for the first time to cast their vote, to elect the federal deputies of the XLIII Legislature.
Online Exhibit
Epidemic Archives: Typhoid
Learn about the memory of epidemics and pandemics in national history through the documents that protect the State Archives, Private and National Institutions
Online Exhibit
Frida Kahlo Calderón
The Mexican National Archives remembers the artist with a series of images from different stages of her life.
Online Exhibit
Map of The Drainage System of Mexico's Valley
Online Exhibit
Memoria de la Grana Cochinilla
Descubre a través del estudio realizado por José Antonio de Alzate el proceso de cultivo y el beneficio de la grana cochinilla.
Online Exhibit
Frida Kahlo's Teaching Practice
Documents kept at the Mexican National Archives explore the artist's role as a teacher educating a new generation of artists.
Online Exhibit
Unfinished project of the Legislative Palace
The metal structure of the dome that makes up what is currently the majestic Monument to the Revolution keeps in its memory the vestiges of what was thought to be the Hall of the "Lost Steps" of the unfinished project of the Legislative Palace.
Online Exhibit
Ídolos del Templo de Huitzilopochtli
Esta imagen que hace referencia a los Ídolos del templo de Huitzilopochtli pertenece al juicio inquisitorial llevado a cabo en 1539, por el obispo fray Juan de Zumarraga hacía Miguel Tlaylotla, quien era acusado por idolatría.
Online Exhibit
Vasco de Quiroga. The first bishop of Michoacán
The arrival of Vasco de Quiroga to Michoacán transformed the treatment that had been given to the indigenous population, reforming the concentration of the Indians in towns, which coincided with the interests of the Spanish Crown; and on the other, evangelization with peaceful means.
Online Exhibit
The Original Patent For Color Television Explained
Online Exhibit
Portrait of Benito Juarez: The Restorer of The Republic and Worthy of The Americas
Within the vast history of Mexico are characters who have marked a predominant legacy, without a doubt the figure of Don Benito Juárez Garcia is one of the most important.
Online Exhibit
The Prison Report Of The Day A Former President Visited The Great Muralist Siqueiros
Online Exhibit
Planos del proyecto de las nuevas oficinas de la Real Casa de Moneda
Online Exhibit
Online Exhibit
La Penitenciaría del Distrito Federal
Conoce la historia del legendario Palacio de Lecumberri que hoy alberga al Archivo General de la Nación.
Online Exhibit
The Chronicle Of The Events of the Three Cultures Square
Online Exhibit
Mexico City in the first half of the 20th century
Archivo General de la Nación takes you on a historical journey through life in the Mexican capital.
Online Exhibit
The foundations of the press in Mexico
The Ignacio Cubas Newspaper Library of the General Archive of the Nation was inaugurated in 1977, being the second largest in the country, only behind the National Newspaper Library of the UNAM. Within its collection there are the most representative newspapers in the history.
Online Exhibit
From the Plan of Iguala to the Homeland Labar
The history of the National Flag is related to the process of the Consummation of the Independence of Mexico, which began with the direct alliance between the insurgent forces commanded by Vicente Guerrero and the royalist general Agustín de Iturbide.
Online Exhibit
Rosario Ibarra de Piedra. A campaign for human rights and democracy
Rosario Ibarra de Piedra was one of the first women to promote and act for the defense of human rights, fight for truth, justice and democracy in Mexico.
Online Exhibit
The children of war. A look at the memory
Learn through this tour the stories of the Spanish children who were received and protected in Mexico.
Online Exhibit
Humor, protesta y la inconformidad del pueblo. La caricatura política en México
Te invitamos a conocer a través del acervo hemerográfico del AGN cómo la caricatura se convirtió en el principal recurso crítico político en México
Online Exhibit
The Cruz Roja Mexicana from its values
The Cruz Roja Mexicana has been a humanitarian institution of private, non-profit, social interest and voluntary assistance that for more than one hundred years has provided aid to the population that is in a situation of risk or disaster.
Online Exhibit
Transformations, groups and feminist mobilization in the Mexico of the 70s
Review with us the transformations in the feminist movement in Mexico that gave rise to a new wave of groups and struggles during the 1970s.
Online Exhibit
The publishing house Vanegas Arroyo
Get to know the work of one of the essential figures in the history of Mexican printing: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Online Exhibit
The skin as support: tattoo documents
The AGN and The Tattoo Artist's House show you the files that help us document the history of the tattoo.
Online Exhibit
Smallpox, inoculation and vaccination in New Spain
Smallpox was a disease that struck humanity over the centuries until its virtual eradication in the world in 1980, after intense vaccination campaigns.
Online Exhibit
Online Exhibit
Archives of the Epidemic in Mexico
Learn about the memory of epidemics and pandemics in national history through the documents that the State Archives, Private and National Institutions safeguard.
Online Exhibit
The Seventh Art In Paper
Online Exhibit
The Technical Process to Preserve an Archive
Do you know how the archives are preserved? We show you the process!
Online Exhibit
The feminine legacy in the society of the first half of the twentieth century
Get to know a sample of outstanding women in the arts and science during the first half of the twentieth century through the documentary collection Artistic and Literary Property (PAL).
Online Exhibit
Tomás Garrido Canabal: a life dedicated to the Mexican southeast
It traces the political career of Tomás Garrido Canabal through his private archive.
Online Exhibit
Political asylees in Mexico through memory
Within the documentation that protects the AGN is the testimony of the events and characters that arrived in Mexico, the country in which they found a new opportunity.
Online Exhibit
200 years of a public and general archive for the nation
On August 23, 1823, the General and Public Archive of the Nation (AGPN) was created, currently the General Archive of the Nation, the leading institution in archival matters in Mexico.
Online Exhibit
Exponentes de la música mexicana en la primera mitad del siglo XX
Dentro del fondo documental Propiedad Artística y Literaria del AGN se resguarda el registro intelectual de los grandes compositores mexicanos de inicios del siglo XX.
Online Exhibit
Pancho Villa's revolution
The life and death of a revolutionary like Francisco Villa is covered through documentary graphics, a testimony of moments that marked the legend of a figure.
Online Exhibit
Ricardo Flores Magón: organizing the revolution under censorship and espionage
Through this documentary series, he traces the siege and persecution by the authorities towards the revolutionary movement led by Ricardo Flores Magón.
Online Exhibit
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