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Fundación Televisa Collection and Archive
Mexico, Mexico
Virtual visits
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245 Items
With Silvia Pinal in "Un extraño en la escalera" [A stranger on the stairs]
Unidentified photographer
María Félix y Jorge Negrete en “El peñón de las ánimas”
Fotógrafo no identificado
Marga López and Paco Rabal playing Beatriz and Father Nazario
Manuel Álvarez Bravo
Scene from "La diosa arrodillada"
Manuel Álvarez Bravo
Blanca Estela Pavón, Evita Muñoz and Pedro Infante in "Nosotros los pobres" [We the poor]
Carlos Tinoco
Eduardo Arozamena and Lupita Tovar in "Drácula"
Fotógrafo no identificado
Actor Paco Rabal as Father Nazario
Manuel Álvarez Bravo
Gilberto Martínez Solares directing the actors Silvia Pinal, Germán Valdés and Rafael Alcayde in "The mark of the skunk"
Isaías Corona Villa
Diego Rivera, Dolores del Río, Frida Kahlo, and Orson Welles
Juan Guzmán
Rosa María Vázquez and Mauricio Garcés in "Cuernavaca en primavera" [Cuernavaca in spring]
Othón Argumedo
Rosita Quintana in "Susana" [Suzanne]
Rafael García J.
Portrait of Silvia Pinal
Juan Guzmán
Scene from "La diosa arrodillada"
Manuel Álvarez Bravo
Scene from "La diosa arrodillada"
Manuel Álvarez Bravo
Scene from "Donde el círculo termina"
Autor no identificado
Leticia Perdigón and Valentín Trujillo in "La otra virginidad" [The other virginity]
Unidentified photographer
María Félix in "Río Escondido"
Luis Márquez Romay
Scene from "Les quatre cents coups"
Fotógrafo no identificado
María Félix como Teresa en “La mujer sin alma”
Autor no identificado
Arturo de Córdova in "Crepúsculo" [Twilight]
Luis Márquez Romay
With Dorothy Lamour in "A Medal for Benny"
Unidentified photographer
Dolores del Río in "María Candelaria"
Samuel Tinoco
Germán Valdés ‘Tin Tan’ en una foto fija de la película “Hotel de verano”
Fotógrafo no identificado
Capulina and Elsa Cárdenas in a scene from "The Specters' Road"
Raúl Argumedo Albuquerque
Aldo Monti and Lilia Prado in a scene from "Kermesse"
Othón Argumedo Albuquerque
Portrait of actress Silvia Pinal as Viridiana
Eugenia Rendón de Olazábal (atribuido)
Poster for "La cobarde" [The Coward]
Ernesto Alonso y Lucía Méndez in "Los enviados del infierno" [The messengers from hell]
Juan Manuel Palomino
The wrestler, actor and screenwriter Fernando Osés
Manuel Álvarez Bravo
With Consuelo Frank in "El conde de Montecristo" [The count of Monte Cristo]
Unidentified photographer
Antonio Badú in "Cantaclaro"
Manuel Álvarez Bravo
Dolores del Río and Pedro Armendáriz in "Las abandonadas" [The Abandoned]
Carlos Tinoco
Jorge Negrete and Gloria Marín in "Historia de un gran amor" [Story of a Great Love]
Samuel Tinoco
Pedro Armendáriz in "Maclovia"
Luis Márquez Romay
Germán Robles in "El ataúd del vampiro" [The Vampire]
Fotógrafo no identificado
Walt Disney and Diego Rivera
Juan Guzmán
Escena de la película “La isla de las mujeres”
Fotógrafo no identificado
María Félix in "Canasta de cuentos mexicanos" [A Basket of Mexican Tales]
Fotógrafo no identificado
Patricia Aspíllaga
No identificado
Escena de la película “Calabacitas tiernas”
Fotógrafo no identificado
Roberto Cañedo and Columba Domínguez in "Pueblerina"
Luis Márquez
María Félix durante la filmación de “La Bandida”
Othón Argumedo Albuquerque
Scene from "Camino del infierno"
Autor no identificado
Promotional photomontage of "He who does not run flies"
Ontiveros (design) and Ciro González (photo)
Scene from "La diosa arrodillada"
Manuel Álvarez Bravo
María Félix y Pedro Armendáriz in “Enamorada”
Rafael García J.
Catherine Deneuve in “L'événement le plus important depuis que l'homme a marché sur la Lune”
Fotógrafo no identificado
Rebeca Silva and Jaime Moreno in "Erótica" [Erotica]
Unidentified photographer
Scene from "En la palma de tu mano"
Autor no identificado
Luis Buñuel and Jesús Fernández prepare a scene from "Nazarín"
Manuel Álvarez Bravo
Emilio Fernández and actresses in "The Wild Bunch"
Unidentified photographer
Scene from "La otra"
Ricardo Razetti
Silvia Pinal and José Gálvez in "La mujer de oro" [The gold woman]
Unidentified photographer
Still from "Subida al cielo" (first collaboration of Álvarez Bravo with Luis Buñuel)
Manuel Álvarez Bravo
María Félix and Jorge Negrete in “El rapto” [The Rapture]
Othón Argumedo Albuquerque
Silvia Pinal and José Ortiz Ramos prepares a scene for "La mujer de oro" [The gold woman]
Unidentified photographer
With Lupe Vélez in "La zandunga"
Unidentified photographer
Pedro Infante and Blanca Estela Pavón in "Ustedes los ricos" [You the rich]
Carlos Tinoco
Abel Salazar in "El barón del terror" [The Brainiac]
Alfredo Ruvalcaba
Still from "Río Escondido"
Luis Márquez
Scene from "La perla"
Manuel Álvarez Bravo
Sara García and Mario Moreno Cantinflas in a scene from "Ahí está el detalle"
Isaías Corona Villa
Ernesto Alonso in "Felipe de Jesús"
Unidentified photographer
Actor Francisco Rabal as Father Nazario
Manuel Álvarez Bravo
Gilberto Martínez Solares and Ninón Sevilla in a scene from "Mulatta"
Raúl Argumedo Albuquerque (atributted)
Juan Bustillo Oro and Ernestina Garfias during the filming of "Los valses venían de Viena y los niños de París"
Gabriel Torres G.
Mumtaz in "Haré Rama, Haré Krishna"
A.S. Raman
Juan Bustillo Oro, Amanda Ledesma, an unidentified person and Jorge Negrete during the filming of "Cuando quiere un mexicano"
Manuel Álvarez Bravo
Ninón Sevilla in "Llévame en tus brazos" [Take Me in Your Arms]
Rafael García J.
Rita Macedo in "Rosenda"
Unidentified photographer
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