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Instituto Moreira Salles
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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166 Items
Betsy e Johnas
Otto Stupakoff
Oven for coal burning
Maureen Bisilliat
Carnauba leaf, Fortaleza, CE. Brazil
Gautherot, Marcel
Igapós (flooded forest), Amazonas. Brazil
Gautherot, Marcel
Dam power plant. Brazil
Farkas, Thomaz
Cine Ipiranga luminaire, São Paulo, SP. Brazil
Farkas, Thomaz
The Mask, the Gesture, the Paper
Sofia Borges
Grating of the Santa Ifigênia overpass, São Paulo, SP. Brazil
Farkas, Thomaz
Detail of CBI Esplanada building, São Paulo, SP. Brazil
Albuquqerque, Chico
Oca building under construction, project by Oscar Niemeyer, Ibirapuera Park, São Paulo, SP. Brazil
Albuquqerque, Chico
Gustavo Capanema Building, earlier the Ministry of Education in Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Brazil
Medeiros, José
Poscards to Charles Lynch
The Mask, the Gesture, the Paper
Sofia Borges
The Body’s Resistance
Letícia Ramos
Poscards to Charles Lynch
Paquetá, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Brazil
Ferrez, Marc
Still Life. Brazil
Stahl, Augusto
The Empress Thereza Christina. Brazil
Buvelot, Abraham Louis (Buvelot & Prat)
Departure for the coffee harvest, Vale do Paraíba. Brazil
Ferrez, Marc
Lady in litter with two slaves, BA. Brazil
Unidentified Photographer
Black woman with mantle, Recife, PE. Brazil
Stahl, Augusto
Portrait of a boy, Alcântara, MA. Brazil
Gautherot, Marcel
Otto Stupakoff
With the child in her arms, São Paulo, SP. Brazil
Bisilliat, Maureen
Woman on the rocks, Salvador, BA. Brazil
Bisilliat, Maureen
... magnificent, strong and beautiful, SP. Brazil
Bisilliat, Maureen
Love in the afternoon, Harper's Bazaar
Otto Stupakoff
Renata at Otto Stupakoff's studio on Varick Street, 80
Otto Stupakoff
Presently Justiça Eleitoral Cultural Center, on the left; Santa Cruz dos Militares church; in the background the Castelo Hill
Ferrez, Marc
Paço Imperial, on the left; in the center, Carmo Convent and Church and the Ordem Terceira do Carmo church in the center
Ferrez, Marc
Paço Imperial, the old Telegraph Department
Ferrez, Marc
Ministry of Education and Health
Gautherot, Marcel
Indoor view of Jesuits church, Castelo Hill
Malta, Augusto
Christ the Redeemer
Santos Guilherme
São Sebastião Church, popularly called Barbadinhos church.
Malta, Augusto
The fishing of xaréu at the beach of Armação
Maureen Bisiliat
Iemanjá, s.d, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Brazil
Gautherot, Marcel
Equestrian statue of General Osório; in the background, Paço Imperial
Gutierrez, Juan
Collective fishing
Maureen Bisiliat
The Old Prison, presently Rio de Janeiro Legislative Assembly
Malta, Augusto
Fernandes, Millôr
Praça XV de Novembro (15th November Square), in the center; in the background, Master Valentim Fountain and the Ferry Station
Ferrez, Marc
Victor Brecheret, São Paulo, SP. Brazil
Brill, Alice
Rio de Janeiro Municipal Market, also known as Praça XV de Novembro (15th November Square) Market
Malta, Augusto
Burle Marx in front of his authorship panel, executed in 1949
Brill, Alice
Night view of viaduto do Chá, São Paulo, SP. Brazil
Rosenthal, Hildegard
View from Praça XV de Novembro (15th November Square) and the area surrounding the Castelo Hill; in the center, Victor Frond Rotunda
Ferrez, Marc
Rio de Janeiro's Castle
Author unknown (from daguerreotype) and Martinet, Alfred
Rio picturesque Janeiro - Off of Mercy
Louis Buvelot, Abraham and Auguste Moreaux, Louis
Felicia Leirner, São Paulo, SP. Brazil
Brill, Alice
Woman at the crags
Maureen Bisiliat
São Zacharias Hospital; on the right, Santo Inácio Church or Jesuits Church
Malta, Augusto
Self-portrait drawing
Fernandes, Millôr
Waiting for the cattle
Maureen Bisiliat
Christ the Redeemer
Farkas, Thomaz
The fishing of xaréu at the beach of Armação
Maureen Bisiliat
... magnificent, strong and beautiful
Maureen Bisilliat
Karl Plattner, São Paulo, SP. Brazil
Brill, Alice
A Sônia (#12)
Claudia Andujar
Rio de Janeiro - part of the aqueduct, with the street called Kill Horses view through one of the arches: the building on top of the hill is the convent of Santa Teresa
Bate, Richard
Marconi street buildings, São Paulo, SP. Brazil
Rosenthal, Hildegard
A Sônia (#18)
Claudia Andujar
Black skin
Maureen Bisilliat
He's an addict (#3)
Claudia Andujar
The bombing of Rio de Janeiro: Rua do Ouvidor
Prior, Melton
Angel boy
Maureen Bisiliat
...Magnificent, strong and beautiful
Maureen Bisiliat
Central Avenue, presently Rio Branco Avenue, between Sete de Setembro Street and Rodrigo Silva Street; in the background, the Castelo Hill
Ferrez, Marc
Dome of the astronomical observatory in the center; left, Jesuit church, Castelo Hill
Malta, Augusto
North Gate to the International Exhibition of the Independence Centenary
Malta, Augusto
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