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Museu do Amanhã
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Virtual visits
47 Items
Car in the background seen from another one
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Stripped car and Kobi in the bushes of the lot
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Truck in the dock
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
White stripped car
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Rusty car in the bushes of the lot
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Front of overturned car
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Bushes and car in the background
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Rusty Yellow Chevette seen from the side
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Stripped Kombi van
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Stripped black car chassis
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Stripped car in the bushes
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Stripped red van on the lot
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Interior of burned car seen from the back
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Metal waste inside rusty old car
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Old cars in the lot
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Stripped cars and an old bus
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Detail of rusty car side
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Stripped car covered by bushes
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Tire and smashed front of the car
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Stripped overturned cars in the car lot
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Interior of the car seen from window
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Front of stripped car in detail
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Stripped cars
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Front and Rear of cars
Gustavo Otero | Coleção Museu do Amanhã
Truck taking pallets
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Rusty car and yellow kombi in the bushes of the lot
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Truck at the landfill
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Stripped car and Kobi in the bushes of the lot
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Front of old black car and back of red Escort
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Trunk of old car open
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Old cars, truck and bus in the lot
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Car interior
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Truck on unpaved road at Seropédica
Gustavo Otero | Collection Museum Of Tomorrow
Front of stripped car in the bushes
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Wheels of the truck
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Rear of the cars in the lot
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Broken windshield and rusty car
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Rusty car and yellow kombi in the bushes of the lot
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Taxi and Yellow Chevette
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Red car with broken bumper and covered car
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Vehicles in the lot
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Front and Rear of cars
Gustavo Otero | Collection Museum Of Tomorrow
A car in the ramp
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Dirty car in the foreground and stripped overturned car in the background
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Car lot and mountains in the background
Gustavo Otero | Collection Museum Of Tomorrow
Stripped red car chassis
Gustavo Otero | Colection Museum of Tomorrow
Old car with tire in detail
Gustavo Otero | Collection Museum Of Tomorrow
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