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Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
Berlin, Germany
Virtual visits
78 Items
Brachiosaurus / Giraffatitan – Back to Life in Virtual Reality (English version)
360 Video
The Biodiversity Wall (new gigapixel panorama)
Animating the Biodiversity Wall – A story of Diversity and its Loss in Virtual Reality (English version)
Museum für Naturkunde
360 Video
The Biodiversity Wall with names of selected species or species groups
Ocelot: the evolution of taxidermy
Carola Radke (MfN)
Archaeopteryx lithographica – the Berlin specimen
Hwa Ja Götz
Archaeopteryx, detail of teeth and curved neck (HR 04)
Hwa Ja Götz (MfN)
Carola Radke (MfN)
Carnivorous dinosaurs Allosaurus and Elaphrosaurus in the dinosaur hall at MfN
Carola Radke (MfN)
Exhibition view of Brachiosaurus brancai (= Giraffatitan brancai) in 1993, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
View into the Wet Collection (2)
Carola Radke (MfN)
The extinct Quagga
Head of Brachiosaurus brancai (= Giraffatitan brancai) in the dinosaur hall at MfN
Carola Radke (MfN)
The Biodiversity Wall at Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (image from 2007)
Antje Dittmann (MfN)
The Wet Collections
Carola Radke (MfN)
Tyrannosaurus rex "Tristan Otto" at Museum für Naturkunde
Carola Radke (MfN)
Tyrannosaurus rex "Tristan Otto" - exhibited at Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
Carola Radke (MfN)
Brachiosaurus / Giraffatitan VR-Preview Image
Google Cultural Institute
Feathers and body temperature
Hwa Ja Götz (MfN)
Diplodocus, herbivore dinosaur in the dinosaur hall at MfN
Carola Radke (MfN)
Investigating the head of Brachiosaurus brancai (= Giraffatitan brancai) at MfN
Hwa Ja Götz (MfN)
Tyrannosaurus rex "Tristan Otto" - skeleton in the exhibition at Museum für Naturkunde
Hwa Ja Götz (MfN)
The Jurassic World of Dinosaurs
Hwa Ja Götz (MfN)
Skeleton of an Ostrich: a feathered dinosaur?
Hwa Ja Götz (MfN)
Horses, Grass and Climate
Carola Radke (MfN)
Keller's insect models: The Brazilian treehopper
Alfred Keller (MfN)
Head of Brachiosaurus brancai (= Giraffatitan brancai)
Lars Hennings
Keller's insect models: Model of a human flea
Alfred Keller (MfN)
Brachiosaurus brancai (= Giraffatitan brancai): a Jurassic giant
Antje Dittmann (MfN)
540 million years old: trace of a Xenusion
Carola Radke (MfN)
Selection of Marine Invertebrates
Carola Radke
Brachiosaurus / Giraffatitan VR-Preview Image
Allosaurus, related to birds
Hwa Ja Götz (MfN)
Archaeopteryx, detail of feet and tail (HR 03)
Hwa Ja Götz (MfN)
Giant Pangolin (biodiversity wall)
Carola Radke (MfN)
Dicraeosaurus at Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, 1937
Carola Radke (MfN)
Carola Radke (MfN)
Brachiosaurus brancai (= Giraffatitan brancai), mounting in the dinosaur hall at Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, in the 1930s
Mediterranean snakelocks sea anemone, Anemonia sulcata
Leopold and Rudolf Blaschka
Taxidermist at Museum für Naturkunde Berlin with bones of Brachiosaurus brancai (= Giraffatitan brancai) in the 1930s
Carola Radke (MfN)
Carnivorous dinosaur Elaphrosaurus and Allosaurus in the dinosaur hall
Carola Radke (MfN)
Keller's insect models: House fly
Alfred Keller (MfN)
Blaschka glass model in the Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Genève : Chiroteuthis veranyi
Tyrannosaurus rex "Tristan Otto" - Exhibition view
Hwa Ja Götz (MfN)
Brachiosaurus (Giraffatitan) in the dinosaur hall at Museum für Naturkunde
Antje Dittmann (MfN)
Cut-away model of a turtle
Carola Radke (MfN)
A peek into the Biodiversity Wall at Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
Google Cultural Institute
Marine Invertebrate Collection
Carola Radke, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
Rock stratums in Montana, USA, site of Tristan's find
Linus Esch
American Lobster and sourrounding animals (Detail of the biodiversity wall of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin)
Antje Dittmann (MfN)
Building a "Wall of Biodiversity"
Hwa Ja Götz (MfN)
Detailed view of herbivore Diplodocus in the dinosaur hall at MfN
Carola Radke (MfN)
Keller's insect models: Ant and louse
Alfred Keller (MfN)
Archaeopteryx and the evolution of flight
Hwa Ja Götz (MfN)
The Jurassic Sea: Ammonites
Carola Radke (MfN)
Stromatolite: evidence for early oxygen generation
Keller's insect models: Model of adult and larval potatoe beetle
Alfred Keller (MfN)
American Lobster in the biodiversity wall
Hwa Ja Götz (MfN)
Animal Sound Archive of the Museum für Naturkunde - Spectrogramm Background Kummerow
Karl-Heinz Frommolt (MfN)
Archaeopteryx, detail of claws on the fingers (HR 05)
Hwa Ja Götz (MfN)
Asterolampra marylandica (Phytoplankton)
J.R. Dolan (Aquaparadox)
Carola Radke (MfN)
Animal Sound Archive of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin - Photo 03
Karl-Heinz Frommolt (MfN)
Animal Sound Archive of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin - Photo 03, cropped
Karl-Heinz Frommolt (MfN)
Elaphrosaurus bambergi
Hwa Ja Götz (MfN)
Keller's insect models: Model of the metamorphosis stages of a true bug (Heteroptera,Pentatomidae, Sloe Bug = Dolycoris baccarum)
Alfred Keller (MfN)
Skeleton of Dicraeosaurus hansemanni, found at Tendaguru
Glasmodell einer Ohrenqualle, Museum der Universität Tübingen, Valentin Marquardt
Museum of the University of Tübingen MUT, Valentin Marquardt
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