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Bauhaus Dessau Foundation
Dessau-Roßlau, Germany
Virtual visits
24 Items
The Bauhaus Bestseller
It wasn’t a cantilever chair, it wasn’t a table lamp, it wasn’t even a teapot – the Bauhaus design that sold best in its day was actually the wallpaper!
Online Exhibit
"Song from the last Bauhaus Party 1933"
Carl Marx, 1977
Online Exhibit
The Last Bauhaus Student
Harry Seidler studied under the Bauhaus teachers Walter Gropius, Josef Albers, and Marcel Breuer, even after the Bauhaus closed
Online Exhibit
The Power of Color and Form at Bauhaus
Why is the triangle yellow and the circle blue?
Online Exhibit
From the Bauhaus to the Black Mountain
How the ideas of the German pioneer designers lived on in the woods of North Carolina
Online Exhibit
Bauhaus in Oranje
Did the Dutch avant-garde influence the Bauhaus, or was it the other way around?
Online Exhibit
The Sound of Colours
Wassily Kandinsky's "Yellow-Red-Blue", 1925
Online Exhibit
The 'Finest Campus' in Africa
Built by Bauhaus student Arieh Sharon, inspired by the Yoruba people
Online Exhibit
Bauhaus Teachers at Isokon
Follow their journey from when the Nazis took power in Germany to their stopover in the Isokon flats in London
Online Exhibit
Stay in the Bauhäusler Studios
The former studios of the students of the Bauhaus are now guest rooms that you can rent
Online Exhibit
Marcel Breuer's Buildings
From inventor of tubular steel furniture to architect
Online Exhibit
The Jackpot
Oskar Schlemmers "Divided half figure to the right" 1923
Online Exhibit
10 Things You Need To Know About The Founder Of The Bauhaus
Get to know Walter Gropius
Online Exhibit
When Gropius met Niemeyer
Oscar Niemeyer, Brazil’s great modern architect, had little time for the Bauhaus. Or did he?
Online Exhibit
A Treasure Trove of Typefaces
At the Bauhaus the first graphic designers were trained – and one of the things they practised on was developing new fonts
Online Exhibit
The Controversial Director
Online Exhibit
Better Living with the Bauhaus
Online Exhibit
Unbuilt Bauhaus Architecture
Many an idea at the Bauhaus remained as no more than a utopia – the designs from back then that were never built still look timeless and modern to us today
Online Exhibit
The Bauhaus Women’s Class
The weaving workshop was more than just a dumping ground for women after their foundation course.
Online Exhibit
A Study Guide to the Bauhaus
Join us on a journey through time to 1927 at the Dessau Bauhaus
Online Exhibit
Model Houses for the Modern Age
Between 1925 and 1932 the ‘Bauhäusler’ experimented in Dessau with working, living and housing for a new age and built revolutionary prototypes for the future.
Online Exhibit
The Building of the Future
A tour of the famous Bauhaus building, built after designs by Walter Gropius in Dessau in 1925-6
Online Exhibit
The Discovery of Photography
The medium was emerging in the 1920s, becoming a favorite area for experimenting at the Bauhaus
Online Exhibit
The silent Visionary
Carl Fieger - the Man behind Walter Gropius
Online Exhibit
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