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The Gordon Parks Foundation
Pleasantville, United States
New York metropolitan area
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96 Items
Untitled, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Soapbox Orator, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Harlem Neighborhood, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Invisible Man Retreat, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Window/Mysticism, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Untitled, Harlem, New York, 1952
Gordon Parks
Indian Herb Store, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
The Invisible Man, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Untitled, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Untitled, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Contact sheet P5, "A Man Becomes Invisible," Life story no. 36997
Gordon Parks
Red Jackson, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Contact sheet 665 C1, "A Man Becomes Invisible," Life story no. 36997
Gordon Parks
Contact sheet 111 R3, "A Man Becomes Invisible," Life story no. 36997
Gordon Parks
The Fontenelles at the Poverty Board, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Untitled, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Untitled, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Ellen Crying, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Untitled, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Untitled, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Untitled, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Untitled, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Untitled, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Leonard "Red" Jackson gets into a taxi, paid for by Medicaid, to transport him from St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital to his home in Washington Heights, New York
Lyric R. Cabral
Untitled, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Untitled, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Untitled, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Untitled, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Fontenelle Children Outside Their Harlem Tenement, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Night Rumble, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Bessie and Little Richard the Morning After She Scalded Her Husband, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Gang Member Graffitis a Wall, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Bessie Fontenelle and Richard Climb the Stairs, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Contact sheet 30_4, "A Man Becomes Invisible," Life story no. 36997
Gordon Parks
Contact Sheet R-10-1, "Gang Wars in Harlem", Life story no. 27655
Gordon Parks
Red Jackson with Child, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Untitled, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Untitled, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Family Crowds Around Open Oven for Warmth, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Untitled, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
"A Man Becomes Invisible," Life
Red and Friends Hide in Shadows while they Scan Street for Rival Gangs, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
The Only Picture Hanging in the Fontenelle Home, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Untitled, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Untitled, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Untitled, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Norman Fontenelle, Sr., Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Contact Sheet 655_R-I, "Gang Wars in Harlem", Life story no. 27655
Gordon Parks
Untitled, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Contact sheet R1, "A Man Becomes Invisible," Life story no. 36997
Gordon Parks
Contact Sheet B1, "Gang Wars in Harlem", Life story no. 27655
Gordon Parks
Little Richard, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Harlem Rooftops, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Untitled, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Untitled, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Contact sheet R2, "A Man Becomes Invisible," Life story no. 36997
Gordon Parks
Untitled, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Untitled, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Kenneth and Toe-boy in the back room, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Leonard "Red" Jackson waits in the hospital to be seen by one of his eight primary care doctors, New York
Lyric R. Cabral
Norman Jr. Reads in Bed, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Untitled, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks, Jr.
Untitled, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Untitled, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Untitled, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Leonard "Red" Jackson relaxes in the barber chair at Harvey's Barber Shop, in Harlem, where he has been getting his hair cut for thirty years, New York
Lyric R. Cabral
Contact Sheet 655, "Gang Wars in Harlem", Life story no. 27655
Gordon Parks
Ellen's Feet, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Untitled, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
Untitled, Harlem, New York
Gordon Parks
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