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Theatre Institute in Warsaw
Warszaw, Poland
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147 Items
Teatralny Square after the outbreak of World War II
"Nie-Boska komedia" dir. by Konrad Swinarski
Wojciech Plewiński
"Historya o chwalebnym Zmartwychwstaniu Pańskim" / "The History of the Lord’s Glorious Resurrection" by Mikołaj of Wilkowiecko, director: Kazimierz Dejmek
Franciszek Myszkowski
Auditorium of the Grand Theatre
Tadeusz Kantor, “The Clothes Hanger”, from the “Impossible Monuments” series
Tadeusz Kantor
"Niech żyje wojna!!!" dir. by Monika Strzępka
Bartłomiej Sowa
“Country House”
Aleksander Wasilewicz
Gabriela Zapolska
„The Dead Class”
Jacek Szmuc
“Where Are the Snows of Yesteryear”
Jacquie Bablet
The new building of Cricoteka in Krakow, photo by Maciej Jeżyk
Maciej Jeżyk
“Wielopole, Wielopole”
Marek Norek
“Lovelies and Dowdies”
Jacek Szmuc
“Lovelies and Dowdies”
Jacek Szmuc
“Lovelies and Dowdies”
Jacek Szmuc
Stary Teatr
"Śluby Panieńskie" dir. by Stanisław Łapiński
“Wielopole, Wielopole”
Marek Norek
"Dziady" dir. by Konrad Swinarski
Wojciech Plewiński
"Dziady" insc. Stanisław Wyspiański
Józef Sebald
Helena Modjeska as Beatrice (Much Ado About Nothing, William Shakespeare).
Napoleon Sarony
Helena Modjeska as Imogen (Cymbeline, William Shakespeare).
Napoleon Sarony
Helena Modjeska as Ophelia (Hamlet, William Shakespeare).
Napoleon Sarony
Helena Modjeska as Cleopatra (Antony and Cleopatra, William Shakespeare)
Jan Mieczkowski
Helena Modjeska as Lady Macbeth (Macbeth, William Shakespeare).
Juliusz Mien i Józef Sebald
Helena Modjeska as Constance with Odette Tyler as Arthur (King John, William Shakespeare).
Byron Company
Helena Modjeska as Lady Macbeth (Macbeth, William Shakespeare).
Helena Modjeska as Juliet (Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare)
Aleksander Regulski, Napoleon Sarony
„Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare. The Small Theatre, Warsaw
Rosław Szaybo (ur. 1933)
„Titus Andronicus” by William Shakespeare. The Rekwizytornia Theatre
Tomasz Bogusławski (ur. 1958)
Helena Modjeska as Catherine (Henry V, William Shakespeare).
Napoleon Sarony
Helena Modjeska as Ophelia (Hamlet, William Shakespeare).
Walery Rzewuski
Helena Modjeska as Isabella (Measure for Measure, William Shakespeare).
Helena Modjeska as Lady Macbeth (Macbeth, William Shakespeare).
Baker's Art Gallery
Helena Modjeska as Constance (King John, William Shakespeare).
Charles M. Hayes
Helena Modjeska as Constance (King John, William Shakespeare).
Charles M. Hayes
Helena Modjeska as Constance (King John, William Shakespeare).
Charles M. Hayes
Helena Modjeska as Viola (Twelfth Night, William Shakespeare).
Jose M. Mora
Helena Modjeska as Cleopatra (Antony and Cleopatra, William Shakespeare).
Napoleon Sarony
Helena Modjeska as Constance (King John, William Shakespeare).
Charles M. Hayes
Helena Modjeska as Lady Macbeth (Macbeth, William Shakespeare).
Elmer Chickering (?)
Helena Modjeska as Viola (Twelfth Night, William Shakespeare).
Benjamin Falk
Edwin T. Booth as Hamlet (Hamlet, William Shakespeare).
Helena Modjeska as Ophelia (Hamlet, William Shakespeare).
Aleksander Regulski, Jan Mieczkowski
Helena Modjeska as Rosalind (As You Like It, William Shakespeare).
Jose M. Mora
Helena Modjeska as Imogen (Cymbeline, William Shakespeare).
Napoleon Sarony
„Henry IV” by William Shakespeare. The Stefan Jaracz Theatre, Lodz 1979
Marcin Mroszczak (ur. 1950)
Helena Modjeska as Constance (King John, William Shakespeare).
Charles M. Hayes
„Midnight Summer Dream” by William Shakespeare. The Jan Kochanowski Theatre, Opole
Waldemar Świerzy (1931–2013)
Part of the costume of Viola (Twelfth Night, William Shakespeare).
„Julius Caesar” by William Shakespeare. The Juliusz Słowacki Theatre, Krakow
Marek Pawłowski (ur. 1955)
"Romeo and Juliet" by Shakespeare, double-sided poster - in Russian
„Hamlet” by William Shakespeare. The National Theatre, Warsaw
Andrzej Krauze (ur. 1947), Marcin Mroszczak (ur. 1950)
Part of the costume of Viola (Twelfth Night, William Shakespeare).
Part of the costume of Viola (Twelfth Night, William Shakespeare).
Helena Modjeska as Lady Macbeth (Macbeth, William Shakespeare).
Napoleon Sarony
Theater poster announcing the performance by Helena Modjeska in Henry VIII by William Shakespeare at the Garden Theatre in 1892.
Helena Modjeska as Rosalind (As You Like It, William Shakespeare).
Ernest F. Ritz
„Midnight Summer Dream” by William Shakespeare. The Poetry Theatre, Krakow
Jan Kurkiewicz (1915–1973)
„Hamlet” by William Shakespeare. The Dramatic Theatre, Warsaw
Henryk Tomaszewski (1914–2005)
„Pericles” by William Shakespeare. The New Theatre, Warsaw
Eugeniusz „Get” Stankiewicz (1941–2011)
„Richard III” by William Shakespeare. The National Theatre, Warsaw
Leszek Hołdanowicz (ur. 1937)
„Twelfth Night” by William Shakespeare. The Osterwa Theatre, Lublin
Maciej Urbaniec (1925–2004)
„Twelfth Night” by William Shakespeare. The Juliusz Słowacki Theatre, Krakow
Władysław Pluta (ur. 1949)
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