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Wordsworth Grasmere
75 Items
George Fennel Robson, Grasmere
George Fennel Robson
Thomas Rowlandson, Doctor Syntax Sketching the Lake
Thomas Rowlandson
Stopford Brooke, Grasmere
Stopford Brooke
George Fennel Robson, Grasmere Lake
George Fennel Robson
Silhouette of Dorothy Wordsworth
Artist unknown
Bourne, James (Circle of) , Dove Cottage
Bourne, James (Circle of)
A sweet morning', extract from Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journal
Dorothy Wordsworth
Still very hot', extract from Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journal
Dorothy Wordsworth
I summoned up my heart ...', image of Dorothy Wordsworth's Letter to Jane Marshall
Dorothy Wordsworth
Harry Goodwin, Grasmere
Harry Goodwin
A very fine morning', extract from Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journal
Dorothy Wordsworth
Lady George Beresford, Grasmere Lake
Lady George Beresford
Sarah Hutchinson, Grasmere Church and Moss Head
Sarah Hutchinson
walked backwards & forwards', extract from Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journal
Dorothy Wordsworth
A sweet mild rainy morning', extract from Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journal
Dorothy Wordsworth
Charlotte M. Fletcher, Blind Tarn Cottage, Grasmere
Charlotte M. Fletcher
Warwick Brookes, The Swan Inn, Grasmere
Warwick Brookes
John Constable, Helvellyn
John Constable
George Barret, Grasmere
George Barret
A sunshiny but coldish morning', extract from Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journal
Dorothy Wordsworth
William & I sauntered ...', extract from Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journal
Dorothy Wordsworth
Ellen Hill, Grasmere Church
Ellen Hill
Edward Dayes, Grasmere Lake
Edward Dayes
My dear Jane ...', image of Dorothy Wordsworth's Letter to Jane Marshall
Dorothy Wordsworth
William went up into the Orchard', extract from Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journal
Dorothy Wordsworth
A very warm cloudy morning', extract from Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journal
Dorothy Wordsworth
Hayward, John Samuel, Grasmere
John Samuel Hayward
& at last', extract from Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journal
Dorothy Wordsworth
Grasmere Church
Unknown Artist
Lucking Tavener, Dove Cottage, Grasmere
Lucking Tavener
William Green, Grasmere
William Green
Unknown Artist, Dove Cottage
Unknown Artist
Sarah Hutchinson, Helm Crag, Grasmere
Sarah Hutchinson
Sir George Howland Beaumont
Sir George Howland Beaumont
Amos Green, Grasmere
Amos Green
A very fine morning', extract from Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journal
Dorothy Wordsworth
Sarah Hutchinson, Grasmere Lake, Westmoreland
Sarah Hutchinson
Sauntered a good deal in the garden', extract from Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journal
Dorothy Wordsworth
A very fine day', extract from Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journal
Dorothy Wordsworth
Grasmere was very solemn', extract from Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journal
Dorothy Wordsworth
In the morning W cut ...', extract from Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journal
Dorothy Wordsworth
Rose not till ½ past 8', extract from Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journal
Dorothy Wordsworth
A great deal of corn is cut in the vale ...', extract from Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journal
Dorothy Wordsworth
Dove Cottage Painting by Artist Unknown
Artist Unknown
I wrote to Mary H', extract from Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journal
Dorothy Wordsworth
Edmund Hart New, Dove Cottage Garden
Edmund Hart New
We came into the orchard', extract from Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journal
Dorothy Wordsworth
Grasmere by Unknown Artist
Unknown Artist
It was a threatening misty morning', extract from Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journal
Dorothy Wordsworth
We sowed the Scarlet Beans', extract from Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journal
Dorothy Wordsworth
A fine sunny but coldish morning', extract from Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journal
Dorothy Wordsworth
A very sweet morning. William stayed...', extract from Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journal
Dorothy Wordsworth
Thomas Barker, Grasmere
Thomas Barker
Lucking Tavener, In Grasmere Churchyard
Lucking Tavener
I sate out of doors', extract from Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journal
Dorothy Wordsworth
In the morning went...', extract from Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journal
Dorothy Wordsworth
Grasmere by Unknown Artist
Unknown Artist
Unknown Artist, Grasmere
Unknown Artist
William Taylor Longmire, Grasmere
William Taylor Longmire
Final stanza of 'I wandered lonely as a Cloud' by William Wordsworth, revised version
William Wordsworth
William Longmire, January, Grasmere
William Taylor Longmire
William Wordsworth's Notebook of Verse
William Wordsworth
Stopford Brooke, Helm Crag
Stopford Brooke
Unknown Artist, Dove Cottage Garden
Unknown Artist
Walked in the morning to Ambleside', extract from Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journal
Dorothy Wordsworth
William & I sauntered', extract from Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journal
Dorothy Wordsworth
Very warm', extract from Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journal
Dorothy Wordsworth
First two stanzas of 'I wandered lonely as a Cloud' by William Wordsworth, first edition
William Wordsworth
James Bourne, Grasmere from Red Bank
James Bourne
A beautiful mild morning', extract from Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journal
Dorothy Wordsworth
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