Ebisu Park Toilet

Masamichi Katayama / Wonderwall®︎

The Tokyo Toilet LogoShibuya City Tourism Association

Public toilets in Shibuya like you've never seen

Toilets are a symbol of Japan's world-renowned hospitality culture. Public toilets have been redesigned in 17 locations throughout Shibuya (Tokyo, Japan) with the help of 16 creators invited from around the world. 

Ebisu Park Toilet (2020-08-05) by Masamichi Katayama / Wonderwall®︎Shibuya City Tourism Association

Ebisu Park Toilet by Masamichi Katayama / Wonderwall®︎

Modern Kawaya
This is a design proposal for a public toilet inside Ebisu Park. The proposal is part of Shibuya City’s THE TOKYO TOILET project.

Ebisu Park Toilet (2020-08-05) by Masamichi Katayama / Wonderwall®︎Shibuya City Tourism Association

We kept in mind a facility that distances itself from architectural concepts and elements: an object that stands casually in the park as if it were playground equipment, benches, or trees.

Ebisu Park Toilet (2020-08-05) by Masamichi Katayama / Wonderwall®︎Shibuya City Tourism Association

In Japan, the origin of toilets is kawaya, written initially as 川屋 and later 厠 (also pronounced kawaya). Kawaya was a hut (ya 屋) that stood over the river (kawa 川) dating back to the Neolithic times of early Jomon period (10,000 to 6,000 BCE). 

Ebisu Park Toilet (2020-08-05) by Masamichi Katayama / Wonderwall®︎Shibuya City Tourism Association

These huts were of primitive and simple designs, often made of hardened soil or pieces of wood bound together. 

Ebisu Park Toilet (2020-08-05) by Masamichi Katayama / Wonderwall®︎Shibuya City Tourism Association

Trying to envision the appearance and atmosphere of the primitive kawaya of the past, we built an “ambiguous space” that is simultaneously an object and a toilet by randomly combining 15 concrete walls. 

Ebisu Park Toilet (2020-08-05) by Masamichi Katayama / Wonderwall®︎Shibuya City Tourism Association

The spaces between the walls lead users into three different areas designed for men, women, and everyone. 

Ebisu Park Toilet (2020-08-05) by Masamichi Katayama / Wonderwall®︎Shibuya City Tourism Association

The design creates a unique relationship in which users are invited to interact with the facility as if they are playing with a curious piece of playground equipment.

Ebisu Park Toilet (2020-08-05) by Masamichi Katayama / Wonderwall®︎Shibuya City Tourism Association

Ebisu Park Toilet (2020-08-05) by Masamichi Katayama / Wonderwall®︎Shibuya City Tourism Association

Ebisu Park Toilet (2020-08-05) by Masamichi Katayama / Wonderwall®︎Shibuya City Tourism Association

Ebisu Park Toilet (2020-08-05) by Masamichi Katayama / Wonderwall®︎Shibuya City Tourism Association

Ebisu Park Toilet (2020-08-05) by Masamichi Katayama / Wonderwall®︎Shibuya City Tourism Association

Ebisu Park Toilet (2020-08-05) by Masamichi Katayama / Wonderwall®︎Shibuya City Tourism Association

Ebisu Park Toilet (2020-08-05) by Masamichi Katayama / Wonderwall®︎Shibuya City Tourism Association

Ebisu Park Toilet (2020-08-05) by Masamichi Katayama / Wonderwall®︎Shibuya City Tourism Association

Credits: Story


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