Sasazuka Greenway Toilet

Junko Kobayashi

The Tokyo Toilet LogoShibuya City Tourism Association

Public toilets in Shibuya like you've never seen

Toilets are a symbol of Japan's world-renowned hospitality culture. Public toilets have been redesigned in 17 locations throughout Shibuya (Tokyo, Japan) with the help of 16 creators invited from around the world. 

Sasazuka Greenway Toilet (2023-03-10) by Junko KobayashiShibuya City Tourism Association

Sasazuka Greenway Toilet by Junko Kobayashi

Toilet of the town lights
A large, yellow oval-shaped awning hangs over a series of cylindrical toilets of various heights, with silhouettes of rabbits peeking out from the round windows installed on the exterior walls.

Sasazuka Greenway Toilet (2023-03-10) by Junko KobayashiShibuya City Tourism Association

Site-specific circumstances required a lightweight construction, so we decided to use a weather-resistant steel plate panel structure for the facility design.

Sasazuka Greenway Toilet (2023-03-10) by Junko KobayashiShibuya City Tourism Association

We also made the large awning hang overhead, creating a sky-like opening to eliminate the dark and closed feeling of the area underneath the Keio Line elevated railway tracks.

Sasazuka Greenway Toilet (2023-03-10) by Junko KobayashiShibuya City Tourism Association

 The weather-resistant steel plate panels have been rusted once to retain their strength and texture indefinitely.

Sasazuka Greenway Toilet (2023-03-10) by Junko KobayashiShibuya City Tourism Association

We wanted to create a public toilet that has a strong presence, like a stubborn old man who is always watching over the people, while also creating a fun and entertaining atmosphere at the same time.

Sasazuka Greenway Toilet (2023-03-10) by Junko KobayashiShibuya City Tourism Association

 The opening to the facility is wide, giving it a massive yet open feel, with a bright and clean interior that is also secure and safe.

Sasazuka Greenway Toilet (2023-03-10) by Junko KobayashiShibuya City Tourism Association

Sasazuka Greenway Toilet (2023-03-10) by Junko KobayashiShibuya City Tourism Association

Sasazuka Greenway Toilet (2023-03-10) by Junko KobayashiShibuya City Tourism Association

Sasazuka Greenway Toilet (2023-03-10) by Junko KobayashiShibuya City Tourism Association

Sasazuka Greenway Toilet (2023-03-10) by Junko KobayashiShibuya City Tourism Association

Sasazuka Greenway Toilet (2023-03-10) by Junko KobayashiShibuya City Tourism Association

Sasazuka Greenway Toilet (2023-03-10) by Junko KobayashiShibuya City Tourism Association

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