The Story of One Prop: God's Finger

God's Finger (2023) by Natalia KabanowWroclaw Mime Theatre

The finger of God is part of the set design for the performance The Discomfort of Evening, based on the book by Marieke Lucas Rijneveld, directed by Małgorzata Wdowik, which premiered in March 2023.

God's Finger set (2023) by Jan BaszakWroclaw Mime Theatre

This huge structure, measuring 2 meters long and 70 cm in diameter, floats in the air, only to suddenly descend to the ground. It symbolizes the strict, ruthless divine plan - Providence, which determines the fate of the characters.

God's Finger made of black socks (2023) by Jan BaszakWroclaw Mime Theatre

Magdalena Komornicka - dramaturgy consultant in the production, a year before the premiere of The Discomfort..., prepared an exhibition with the same title at the Zachęta National Art Gallery in Warsaw, which presented sculptures made of black socks by Jan Baszak.

Rabbit (2023) by Jan BaszakWroclaw Mime Theatre

The whole series consisted of sculptures of a Rat, a rabbit, a dog, a man, a horse, and a room in which, inspired by an old funeral ritual, Baszak spent 8 days with his sculptures.

Dog (2023) by Jan BaszakWroclaw Mime Theatre

When work on the performance began, Magdalena Komornicka and Małgorzata Wdowik agreed that Jan Baszak's sculptures fit in with the vision of the world they wanted to create on stage.

Rat (2023) by Jan BaszakWroclaw Mime Theatre

This way, a dog, a rabbit and a rat were included to the scenography. A copy of the original horse was also made. The "sleeping-dead", as the artist described them, sculptures play the inhabitants of a farm run by a family whose disintegration we see on stage.

Baszak's rat, Natalia Kabanow, 2023, From the collection of: Wroclaw Mime Theatre
Baszak's dog, Natalia Kabanow, 2023, From the collection of: Wroclaw Mime Theatre
The Discomfort of Evening, Natalia Kabanow, 2023, From the collection of: Wroclaw Mime Theatre
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Baszak's rabbit mask (2023) by Natalia KabanowWroclaw Mime Theatre

For the needs of the play, using same technique, Baszak also created a rabbit mask.

God's Finger and Jan Baszak, Jan Baszak, 2023, From the collection of: Wroclaw Mime Theatre
God's Finger set, Jan Baszak, 2023, From the collection of: Wroclaw Mime Theatre
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