Mime With Us!

Online workshops on dramaturgy and composition of mime etude

Lesson 1

"Intoxicating dance”
Monika Rostecka

Lesson 2

"Alice in the enchanted attic"
Sandra Kromer-Gorzelewska

Lesson 3

"Cellist and mouse"
Jan Kochanowski

Lesson 4

"Trouble with the flies"
Paulina Jóźwin

Lesson 5

"The perversity of inanimate objects"
Krzysztof Szczepańczyk

Lesson 6

"Lady with a smartphone"
Izabela Cześniewicz

Lesson 7

Headless mannequin
Agnieszka Dziewa

Lesson 8

"The old man's morning"
Artur Borkowski

The "Action: EDUCATION 3.0" is co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage from the Culture Promotion Fund.

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.
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