Lights on the Queen: The Yard Tale

Light direction: Bogumił Palewicz

Queen. The yard Fairy Tale, 2023 (2022) by Natalia KabanowWroclaw Mime Theatre

The performance for the youngest audience, inspired by H. Ch. Andersen's The Snow Queen, is presented in a site-specific technique at the Winter Stage of WMT - the WMT building's backyard. This means that the building, garden, and yard serve as a natural scenography.

Queen. The yard tale, dir. Artur Borkowski (2021) by Natalia KabanowWroclaw Mime Theatre

Lights and visualizations transform an ordinary yard into a fairy-tale space that tells a story about a friendship. It is thanks to them that the yard changes its character as Gerda goes through various unknown lands in search of kidnapped by the Snow Queen Kai.

Queen. The yard tale, dir. Artur Borkowski (2021) by Natalia KabanowWroclaw Mime Theatre

They make it snows on a cloudless day...

Queen. The yard tale, dir. Artur Borkowski (2021) by Natalia KabanowWroclaw Mime Theatre

Queen. The yard Fairy Tale, 2022 (2022) by Natalia KabanowWroclaw Mime Theatre

flowers bloom in the middle of winter...

Queen. The yard tale, dir. Artur Borkowski (2021) by Natalia KabanowWroclaw Mime Theatre

Queen. The yard tale, dir. Artur Borkowski (2021) by Natalia KabanowWroclaw Mime Theatre

The interior of the Wrocław Pantomime Theatre's building transforms into the ice-bound tower of the Snow Queen...

Queen. The yard tale, dir. Artur Borkowski (2021) by Natalia KabanowWroclaw Mime Theatre

...and its facade is covered in gold when the Golden King and Golden Queen appear on stage.

Queen. The yard tale, dir. Artur Borkowski, Natalia Kabanow, 2021, From the collection of: Wroclaw Mime Theatre
Queen. The yard tale, dir. Artur Borkowski, Natalia Kabanow, 2021, From the collection of: Wroclaw Mime Theatre
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Queen. The yard Fairy Tale, Group scene (2022) by Natalia KabanowWroclaw Mime Theatre

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