Zoom on the Costume of Madame Cheerful Widow

Los Mimos Madame Cheerful Widow (2020) by Natalia KabanowWroclaw Mime Theatre

"Los Mimos"

Premiered in 2020, a collective creation of actors under the artistic supervision of L. Bzdyl. Story about relationships and intrigues takes place entirely in a garden, which has become a natural setting for a contemporary perspective on the tradition of Baroque popular theatre

Costume of Los MimosWroclaw Mime Theatre

Madame Cheerful Widow

...is a referring to the Baroque fashion, decorative, voluminous dress with a double skirt.

The top imitating a corset is emphasized by decorative, golden braids with a floral motif, which extend along the edge of the top skirt down to the floor.

The farthingale under the fabric gives Madame the shapely, wide hips desired in the Baroque.

The sleeves are attached to the body with tied strings. The puffed sleeves at the top, turn into completely straight ones at the elbow, finished with a row of decorated buttons.

Madame's costume is decorated with details - gemed buttons, used for decorative ruffles of the dress, and ornamental braids...

...as well as a necklace around the neck...

...a golden bow fastening red curls...

...and frills of the outer skirt at the waist.

The costumes in Los Mimos were designed by Małgorzata Bulanda.

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