Inspire - the first part of the exhibition Queerentena brings together works that have questions and concerns about looking and thinking about themselves in the current period of seclusion. What's different now for those that are always marginalized? How do we treat and reconfigure our dreams, desires and anxieties? How do we recognize our bodies? Transiting from the sidelines, a space of deprivation and resistance, to the center enables a peculiar way for LGBTQI + to understand and survive reality.
Quarantine King (2020-04-17) by Tata BarretoMuseu da Diversidade Sexual
Quarantine King
Tata Barreto was inspired by the relationship between the isolation imposed by quarantine and isolation routinely imposed on bodies that are outside the heteronorm, here represented by the persona of a Drag King.
Quarantine King (2020-04-15) by Tata BarretoMuseu da Diversidade Sexual
While the heteronormative standard excludes those who behave or express themselves different from their dissident bodies.
Quarantine King (2020-04-16) by Tata BarretoMuseu da Diversidade Sexual
On the other hand, the pandemic does not exclude any subject, and the isolation of melancholy can reach everyone, regardless of how they perform their gender.
31º dia... (2020-04-15) by JOICE MENDESMuseu da Diversidade Sexual
House arrest
The project "House arrest" comes from an intense creative and reflective process of the artist Joice Mendes during quarantine. The book "31 days" expresses the accumulation of feelings arising from the pandemic.
pandemia / demônios / distanciamento social / contravontade (2020) by Fernanda DegolinMuseu da Diversidade Sexual
The Mysterious
This work was inspired by the attempts of a couple to keep a healthy mind and understand the mysteries of the new world imposed by the pandemic. With the aid of a projector and a camera, the artists create an atmosphere of uncertainty, playing with space-time (represented by the hourglass), the void (the galaxy) and change (different formats video, analog and digital), all guided by a media wheezing that guides and misleads.
pandemia (2020) by Clara de CápuaMuseu da Diversidade Sexual
Quarantine Diaries
Clara Capua's images, which inspired the Queerentena exhibition, are part of a series of self-portraits as a kind of personal diary. Clara was invited to take part in the exhibition.
distanciamento social (2020) by Clara de CápuaMuseu da Diversidade Sexual
From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the artist inserts the mask element in her work.
contravontade (2020) by Clara de CápuaMuseu da Diversidade Sexual
Clara uses her cellphone to explore movements, ie, the images are first built in the body and then go on paper - habits of a visual artist who is also an actress.
demônios (2020) by Clara de CápuaMuseu da Diversidade Sexual
Once filmed, she selects frames and transposes them to the paper using graphite to then scan them.
Na caixa (2020-04-15) by Maysa SigoliMuseu da Diversidade Sexual
In the box
Maysa Sigoli depicts the suffocating feeling of enclosure on the situation of being alone
Na caixa (2020-04-15) by Maysa SigoliMuseu da Diversidade Sexual
At the same time, together, locked inside boxes, whether the house, a TV show, the Internet or own head.
Living alone for years and used to being alone, the artist experiences now the new experience of the impediment of movement and forced solitude.
"Bases rígidas de ideais que não cabem mais em mim, 집에 와 침대에 누워, 생각해봐 내 잘못이었을까?" (2020-04-00) by Patrícia BaikMuseu da Diversidade Sexual
There, that day
"Eu sonhei com você na outra tarde, mas eu não lembro direito, parece ter sido anos atrás." (2020-04-00) by Patrícia BaikMuseu da Diversidade Sexual
The artist develops a narrative research starting from her place as the daughter of South Korean immigrants in Brazil to understand the reverberations of these displacements and the search for identity of subsequent generations.
"다른 시공간, outro espaço tempo" (2020-04-00) by Patrícia BaikMuseu da Diversidade Sexual
In this project, Patricia Baik explores the sign of the house and the promises she raises comfort, nurturing and care.
"불 꺼진 현관에 내 발이 이상해, (((meus pés tão estranhos no hall de luz apagada)))" (2020-04-00) by Patrícia BaikMuseu da Diversidade Sexual
But now in isolation, the contradictions become more explicit between this house and the outside world, and in the face of promises not always met, the longing for contact and comfort grow.
dicomposição de afetos (2020-04-13) by Marcelo PrudenteMuseu da Diversidade Sexual
In the work "discomposition of affections", the Transe Collective performs a deep dive in itself and the other to propose reflections on the shared experience of social, bodyly and affectionate isolation of a couple of gay men.
Flertando com o próprio reflexo (2020-04-04) by Stephanie Gaddi PolloMuseu da Diversidade Sexual
Self love
To miss someone, go through a breakup, look for affection, a touch, an exchange of glances, to self-flirt and to meet itself. These were the inspirations of illustrator Stephanie Gaddi Pollo to create the project Self Love.
"Cartografia de Corpx" (2020-03) by Alan Piter Moraes RiosMuseu da Diversidade Sexual
The work is a process of recognition of the body that stems from the artist's research on gender, using tools of cartography and topographical study, crossed with questions of identity and dignity. Andrógino performs an exercise that aims to break the boundaries of form and, from the body that takes it in, produces the consciousness of its existence.
Em casa (em fragmentos desorganizados) (2020-04-14) by Andrés CarmoMuseu da Diversidade Sexual
The drawings were created from everyday life, the anxieties, the words of friends, of images seen on the streets of São Paulo's downtown area and from the artist's dreams.
Em casa (em fragmentos desorganizados) (2020-04-14) by Andrés CarmoMuseu da Diversidade Sexual
In the face of the pandemic, Andrés Carmo finds in motion of drawing a way to contain the anxiety that paralyzes one.
Em casa (em fragmentos desorganizados) (2020-04-14) by Andrés CarmoMuseu da Diversidade Sexual
Linn em casa (2020-04-13) by Chico MonteiroMuseu da Diversidade Sexual
Linn at home
Chico Monteiro was inspired by photos and album covers of the singer Linn da Quebrada in domestic settings a "A casa de Linn."
Linn em casa (2020-04-13) by Chico MonteiroMuseu da Diversidade Sexual
In this work the artist was inspired by a picture of Linn wearing a mask.
Insula (2020-04-09) by Carolina LoboMuseu da Diversidade Sexual
Obeying the will of your body to move and create images, Carolina Lobo builds the script for this video dance from the reinterpretation of a text written by her in 2012. The dance, writing and painting are forms found by the artist to survive and wonder anxiety during isolation. This video was produced collaboratively with his girlfriend, filmmaker Catarina Vaz, and this joint creation was also a way found by the couple co-exist during the pandemic.
Retratos de Quarentena (2020-04-14) by Chica VamoMuseu da Diversidade Sexual
Quarantine portraits
Retratos de Quarentena (2020-04-16) by Chica VamoMuseu da Diversidade Sexual
The artist creates her work from photographs produced by her and her girlfriend during a pandemic.
Retratos de Quarentena (2020-04-15) by Chica VamoMuseu da Diversidade Sexual
In a second moment images received from friends are incorporated.
Retratos de Quarentena (2020-04-17) by Chica VamoMuseu da Diversidade Sexual
The collection of drawings depicts the everyday life during social isolation.
Abaporu na quarentena (2020-04-05) by Vinicius MonçãoMuseu da Diversidade Sexual
Abaporu in quarantine
Abaporu na quarentena (2020-04-05) by Vinicius MonçãoMuseu da Diversidade Sexual
Abaporu, mythical figure created and evoked by Tarsila do Amaral, is the character that Vinicius Monsoon appropriates to produce this work.
Abaporu na quarentena (2020-04-05) by Vinicius MonçãoMuseu da Diversidade Sexual
Recreating one of the icons of modern Brazilian art movement, the artist proposes a reflection on the transition period we are living.
Abaporu na quarentena (2020-04-05) by Vinicius MonçãoMuseu da Diversidade Sexual
Abaporu na quarentena (2020-04-05) by Vinicius MonçãoMuseu da Diversidade Sexual
"The work refers to the current modern subject of major urban centers, reclusive, reflective, melancholic, waiting for the" plague "pass to find out what is to come tomorrow.
Quarentemos (2019-03-26) by lualeoMuseu da Diversidade Sexual
In the box
Maysa Sigoli depicts the suffocating feeling of enclosure on the situation of being alone and at the same time, together, locked inside boxes, whether the house, a TV show, the Internet or our own head. Living alone for years and used to being alone, the artist experiences now the new experience of the impediment of movement and forced solitude.
Queerentena | Inspire
Design: Franco Reinaudo and Bruna Provazi
Sequencing: Leonardo Arouca
Selection Committee:
Celso Curi
Clara Capua
Christiano Braga Lima
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