The Azerbaijan National Art Museum is a treasure house that preserves our national moral values and cultural heritage. This treasure house, holding more than 17,000 artistic exhibits, has a rich working history. The Art department was separated from the Azerbaijan State Museum in 1936 and organized as an independent museum by decision of the Council of People's Commissars. The first exhibits were collected for the museum during expeditions and some were purchased. In 1937 the opening ceremony of the museum’s first exhibition took place and in 1951 the museum was moved to the Baroque-style De Bour mansion built at the end of the 19th century. In 2006 thorough restoration work was carried out to the building and in 2009 a new exhibition was opened. In 2011 the museum was declared to be of first National and then European Museum Standard (EUMS), meeting international standards and criteria, as appropriate for a museum and implying high quality museum services and professional experience; this was by unanimous decision of the Council of Directors of the European Economic Chamber of Trade, Commerce and Industry – EEIG - located in Brussels.
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