The Museum of Art, Ehime

The Museum of Art, Ehime

松山市, 日本

“The Museum of Art, Ehime” was constructed in the outskirts of Matsuyama Castle, which is designated as a national historic site, in harmony with the castle background. The main feature of this museum is that it is not only for visitors to appreciate art works, but also for people to create their own art there. The building has three stories and a basement with an iron framed concrete structure, total floor space being 10, 365 square meters. The former facilities of “The Ehime Prefectural Museum of Art”, which contributed to the development of the prefectural art through its collection of artists who were or are related to the prefecture and the various exhibitions, is utilized as a base of creative learning activities such as rental galleries, free studios and a workshop. In addition, contact is maintained with other art museums to collect or provide information and data on art.


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The Museum of Art, Ehime

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〒790-0007 愛媛県松山市堀之内
  • 月曜日定休日
  • 火曜日9時40分~18時00分
  • 水曜日9時40分~18時00分
  • 木曜日9時40分~18時00分
  • 金曜日9時40分~18時00分
  • 土曜日9時40分~18時00分
  • 日曜日9時40分~18時00分