"Becoming in the new worlds"
The artist never gives a deliberate meaning to his work. But from the moment a work exists, it is in principle a proposition arising, in fact, from deep organic and spiritual conviction. The testimony of its creator turns into a suigeneris form of evidence, into a path of knowledge that transcends what is exclusively rational and logical, and the merely instinctive levels of the certainties of existence.
Pérez Celis is an artist with an indissoluble bond with the context from which emerges, a Latin America characterized better by the will of being than by an accomplished fact. Nevertheless, we cannot take him as just another case of Latin Americanism, because Pérez Celis neither resorts to codes and conventional topics, nor limits his investigation to previously established facts.
Pérez Celis is part of the choice of this continent, as alive as the surviving instinct, as necessary as the horizon. His work is a way of creating contexts associated to a New World and to his destiny, not an illustration of Latin America.
Throughout the evolution of his work, one notices this emphasis on the priority of creation rather than defining a world. A monumental sense of space and landscape reduced almost completely to an abstract organization, but sensitive to natural planes, prevails. Occasionally figuration surges as a hint and symbolic allegory.
Roberto Guevara, Venezuelan critic and curator
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