Magmart Festival

Magmart Festival

Salerno, Italy

Magmart | video under volcano is an international videoart festival, which over the years has seen the participation of more than 1400 artists from 84 different countries, with over 3500 submitted videos.
Magmart also presented video selections at Take C - Caldas da Rainha (Portugal, 2011), Small Projects - Tromsø (Norway, 2012), Oslo Screen Festival - Oslo (Norway, 2012), Fonlad - Coimbra (Portugal, 2013), Videoakt III - Barcelona (Spain, 2013), 7 Noches Capitales - Sevilla (Spain, 2014), IVHAM - Madrid (Spain, 2015), Konvent.0 - Barcelona (Spain, 2015), and Fonlad - Coimbra (Portugal, 2016).
Has organized the screening shows Næpolitan Videoart I (2011), Women's glance (2011), Animation videoart (2011), Videoart from/on Gaza (2011), E-Merging Thought Process (2010), Næpolitan Videoart II (2010), Magmart @ artic49 (2010), L'occhio Elettronico (2010), Næpolitan videoart III (2009), NapolInVideo (2008), The best of Magmart (2007).
In 2013, realized the first special project, 100x100=900 (100 videoartists to tell a century), to celebrate 50th of videoart, also presented here.
In 2014 Magmart organized the second project, F.I.V.E. (Feelings International Videoart Experience), a project on 5 senses, based on an open call, with 25 video artworks selected by an international jury, five for each sense.
In 2015 Magmart presented its last project, Foods, born with the aiming to coincide with the universal EXPO, in Milan (Italy), on theme "Feeding the planet - energy for life".
In 2014 Magmart festival become biennal.

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