The Collection
Osamu Tezuka
Online Exhibit
A map of the digital future for Jump manga
Let’s examine three features of the MANGA Plus by SHUEISHA digital platform, part of the Shueisha publishing world
Read the story
Manga experience of Jump goes digital
MANGA Plus by SHUEISHA, started by the well-known Shueisha publishing house, is set to launch manga experience into the digital age
What are Otaku?
Architectural scholar Kaichiro Morikawa explains Otaku culture
70 Years of Baseball and Manga
With the growing popularity of baseball, many manga based on the sport became huge hits in Japan. We will look at the history from the postwar era to the present.
What Did Osamu Tezuka Change in Manga?
Osamu Tezuka's enormous impact on the world of manga and the diverse expressive ideas of the artists that came before him.
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