The Millerntor Gallery is the international urban art, music and culture festival for creative engagement. Initiated by Viva con Agua and the FC Sankt Pauli, it is both a social art gallery and a cultural festival in the Millerntor stadium. Various target groups are addressed and motivated to engage themselves socially, through the universal languages of art, music and football. For 5 days a year, the Millerntor stadium is transformed into a platform for dialogue and exchange, locally as well as at an intercultural level. By means of trans-genre art works, film presentations and a diverse musical, cultural and educational programme, It aims to address the question of how a positive change to the world can be instigated. Thereby, opportunities of interaction and participation turn the audience into participants, and create a meaningful community, even beyond the event itself. The profits generated by the art sales are donated to Viva con Agua e.V., in order to improve the worldwide water and sanitary supply.
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