XXXV Small Format Contest

Discover the works selected in this contest.

By Asociación Española de Pintores y Escultores

Spanish Association of Painters and Sculptors

XXXV Small Format Contest (2016/2016) by Mª Dolores BarredaAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores

XXXV Small Format Contest

Small-format art has been maintained throughout the history of art, evolving as the centuries passed, allowing the artists who worked on it to create minimal but very complete works with great mastery.

The small format allows the possibility of developing the detail to the maximum, playing with complex compositions with great ease, but also the fact of being able to explore individual creativity to a great extent.

XXXV Small Format Contest

Discover the awarded works below

A cappella (2016/2016) by LeodegarioAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores

First prize
A cappella, 2016

The frozen forest (2016/2016) by Rafael Luque Ruiz de LunaAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores

Second prize
Rafael Luque Ruiz de Luna
The frozen forest, 2016

Friday in red (2016/2016) by Guiomar Álvarez de ToledoAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores

Third award
Guiomar Álvarez de Toledo
Friday in red, 2016

The reader ... I have at home (2016/2016) by Mª Jesús Arias RodrigoAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores

Honorable Mention
Mª Jesús Arias Rodrigo
The reader ... that I have at home, 2016

Pregnancy of ideas (2016/2016) by Teddy Cobeña LoorAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores

Honorable Mention
Teddy Cobeña Loor
Ideas pregnancy, 2016

Haven of peace (2016/2016) by Mariano Galán OrtegaAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores

Honorable Mention
Mariano Galán Ortega
Haven of peace, 2016

Maternity III (2016/2016) by Mª del Rivero Maluenda GómezAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores

Honorable Mention
Mª del Rivero Maluenda Gómez
Maternity III, 2016

Red roses I (2016/2016) by Carmen LeónAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores

Honorable Mention
Carmen León
Red roses I, 2016

They hurt my heart ... (2016/2016) by ZárateAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores

Honorable Mention
They hurt my heart ..., 2016

Credits: Story


The Spanish Association of Painters and Sculptors would like to thank the collaboration of the Madrid City Council, the Municipal Board of Arganzuela and the Casa del Reloj Cultural Center.

The Secretary General of the AEPE, Mª Dolores Barreda Pérez, deserves special mention for her effort, enthusiasm and priceless work to make this event possible.

Likewise, we want to express our gratitude to the members of the Jury and to all the participating artists, selected, finalists and awarded.

Exhibition poster design:
Mª Dolores Barreda Pérez

Mª Dolores Barreda Pérez

Itziar Zabalza Murillo

Julia Retuerta Nogales
María León Palacios

Spanish Association of Painters and Sculptors
Telephone: 915 22 49 61

Credits: All media
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