Nando Reis: “I had him pegged as sacred, but he played ball”

The singer and songwriter has always declared his admiration for Gilberto Gil and ended up becoming the musician’s partner in concerts, recordings, and the song “Tocarte.”

By Instituto Gilberto Gil

Interview: Chris Fuscaldo*, journalist and music researcher

What was your first contact with Gilberto Gil's work? You once declared that you saw MPB anthology shows when you were very young. Were Gil’s among them?

Gilberto Gil e Nando Reis durante lançamento do programa Eu Faço Cultura (2007-04-19)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Nando Reis:

One important thing in my life were the shows I saw. Of Gil's, there were countless, and many of them only with the acoustic guitar. And the way he relates to the instrument, his relationship with the music and with the show itself really caught my eye.

Gilberto Gil faz show na Bélgica, pela turnê internacional do álbum OK OK OK (2019-07-24)Instituto Gilberto Gil

In other words, the way he reasoned, the way he thought huge concerts, that always impressed and influenced me. He’s my biggest influence.

Many people talk about the difficulty of playing Gilberto Gil’s songs on the guitar. And it’s definitely hard for those who are just starting out. Do you remember the moment when you played a Gil song and cheered?

Gilberto Gil, Gal Costa, Nando Reis, o baixista Magno Brito e o percussionista Kainan do Jêjê no show Trinca de Ases no Recife (2017-10-11)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Nando Reis:

I’ll tell you something that’s a paradox. I’ve been playing the guitar for several years, but Gil was the artist I played the least. Because I have this kind of weird thing about fixating the idea on something and not getting close to the others.

Gilberto Gil, Gal Costa e Nando Reis no show Trinca de Ases em São Paulo (2017-08-05)Instituto Gilberto Gil

I played a lot of things from the album Refavela, from Refazenda, I played a “Back in Bahia” a lot in concerts… Now, songs like “Expresso 2222” and “Chiclete com banana” are songs that I never dared to play. They stayed in the imaginary.

Gilberto Gil e Jorge Ben Jor participam da gravação do álbum Obatalá - Uma Homenagem a Mãe Carmen (2019-03-15)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Another album I’ve always loved, I’ve called a Bible is Gil & Jorge: Ogum, Xangô, because I'm also a big fan of Jorge Ben and I love the track “Filhos de Gandhi.”

What are your first memories of meeting Gilberto Gil?

Grupo Titãs em show no Rádio ClubeInstituto Gilberto Gil

Nando Reis:

Titãs was hired by the same label as him, Warner Music, in 1982. I think the first time I shared a stage with Gil was in 1985, with Titãs participating in the 20 Anos-Luz concert, which he did in São Paulo with several guests.

Gilberto Gil no show comemorativo Gil: 20 Anos-luz (Novembro de 1985)Instituto Gilberto Gil

We made an arrangement for “TV Punk,” a song that isn’t on any LP, only in that box Ensaio Geral, which Marcelo Fróes produced. It was the first time I heard it.

When you started playing, did you identify any influence from Gil?

Gilberto Gil em show da turnê do álbum Luar (A Gente Precisa Ver o Luar) (1981)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Nando Reis:

I saw the concert from the album Luar (A Gente Precisa Ver o Luar) at the Pixinguinha Theater. The theater was on the second floor and on the ground floor there was a football exhibition in photographs. In this exhibit, there was one of Gil playing ball on the beach. And I remember I had a kind of epiphany:

I looked at it and realized I had put him in a sacred place, but he was a man, a human being who plays ball. And I’ve always liked to play ball. That was a key that brought me to a more comfortable reality.

In that concert, he had that bleached hair with a moon and a star, he talked about Elis, who had died. It all had a great effect on me. Precisely because I was looking for this life of mine of going on stage.

Not only did Titãs have the same label as Gil, you also had the same producer, Liminha. Did that culminate in other meetings?

Flora Gil, Liminha, Gilberto Gil e banda em estúdio na gravação do álbum ExtraInstituto Gilberto Gil

Nando Reis:

In 1986, we started working with Liminha at his and Gil’s studio, Nas Nuvens. He produced Cabeça Dinossauro, by Titãs. It was another way of being close to Gil and the producer who was one of his greatest collaborators on records.

Gil, like you, has always been a very "autobiographical" composer. As a lyricist, do you consider yourself influenced by him?

Gilberto Gil e Caetano Veloso em show beneficente no Canegie Hall, em Nova York (1989)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Nando Reis:

I think the influence of poetics, I can’t separate Gil from Caetano, although we’re talking only about Gil. I think the two inspire me a lot, not least because I think they intersect, interconnect, and have a relationship of similarity and uniqueness. 

Gilberto Gil em show da turnê europeia Dois Amigos, Um Século de Música (2015-06-29)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Back in Bahia is one of the most important records of my life, and it is simply an extremely autobiographical statement of a situation. Of course it has an impact, because I have always been a composer. I think I’m connected in the imagetic thing.

Gilberto Gil e Caetano Veloso em show para o Festival Jazz à Vienne, da turnê europeia Dois Amigos, Um Século de Música (2015-07-03)Instituto Gilberto Gil

I feel kind of baroque, even. And prolix, too. I like songs that have long lyrics, and I see a lot of that in Gil and Caetano. Without a doubt, he’s a great influence as a songwriter, and I believe that what you said is true.

Gil mixes science, religion, technology, and activism in his life and work. As a fan, how do you see this thematic mix and how did you see his drift into political life?

Gilberto Gil, à época vereador, em evento com Mário Kertész, Jorge Mautner, Antonio Risério e José Carlos Capinan (1989)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Nando Reis:

With some amazement. I think this calling of his surprised me. I remember he was already a musician, I played for Titãs, and I campaigned for him when he wanted to be mayor of Salvador. I remember I had my T-shirt with “I want Gil” or something like that written on it.

Em cena do documentário Tempo Rei, mãe de santo Mãe Stella de Oxóssi observa Gilberto Gil cantando São João, Xangô Menino, parceria sua com Caetano Veloso (Janeiro de 1996)Instituto Gilberto Gil

I always had, although I’m not a religious guy, I always found the spiritual relationship, the mysticism, beyond the plausible and the true of musicality, charming in Gil's songs. I’ve always felt this more because of the guitar than any religion itself.

Ministro da Cultura Gilberto Gil e fãs na II Conferência de Intelectuais da África e da Diáspora (2006-07-12)Instituto Gilberto Gil

From a personal point of view, I was sorry when he became minister of Culture because I thought he would stop playing the guitar. I know that he has to dedicate himself to other things that are important to him, and I, somewhat selfishly, wanted him playing.

In the 1990s, you met Gil during the recordings of Verde Anil Amarelo Cor de Rosa e Carvão, Marisa Monte’s album that you produced and in which he participated. What are your memories?

Gilberto Gil e Marisa Monte em ensaio para a primeira edição do Festival MPB (2014-12-13)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Nando Reis:

This was the first time I was with Gil in the studio. I remember he went to Marisa’s house and they took Paulinho da Viola’s song, “Dança da solidão,” and made the arrangement right in front of me.

Marisa Monte e Gilberto Gil na primeira edição do Festival MPB (2014-12-13)Instituto Gilberto Gil

I remember we talked about Milton Nascimento. There is a partnership of mine with Marisa, “O céu,” in which I recorded the electric guitar and he recorded the acoustic guitar. And that was our first studio interaction.

In the 1990s, you interviewed Gil for Bizz magazine and talked to him about movies, television, the “Re” phase, technology, composition etc. What are your recollections of this conversation?

Gilberto Gil em fotos de divulgação do álbum Realce (1979)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Nando Reis:

That’s right, I do. I must have been nervous. I remember it was at his house. I must have done a mediocre interview. I had trouble talking and getting close to Gil. I had a lot of reverence. I have that with Caetano, too.

Gilberto Gil, Gal Costa e Nando Reis em ensaio fotográfico para divulgação do show Trinca de Ases (2017)Instituto Gilberto Gil

With people I admired a lot at a time in my life when I was a kid, I have this thing. I think I only broke it with Gil when we played the Trinca de Ases project together.

The concert that became the Trinca de Ases was born from the celebration of Ulysses Guimarães’s 100th birthday. How was this first encounter between you, Gil, and Gal?

Gilberto Gil, Gal Costa e Nando Reis no show Trinca de Ases no Rio de Janeiro (2017-08-11)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Nando Reis:

I was invited to be part of the show in Brasilia that would celebrate the centenary of Ulysses Guimarães. The journalist Jorge Bastos Moreno, a good friend of Gil’s, organized it. I was invited through Flora Gil, as well as Gal Costa.

Gilberto Gil, Gal Costa e Nando Reis no show Trinca de Ases em São Paulo (2017-08-05)Instituto Gilberto Gil

We did this first concert, in October 2016. We had a rehearsal, then a soundcheck. The format was Gil with four songs, then the two of us would play four, and then came to Gal and sang four. 

Gilberto Gil, Gal Costa e Nando Reis no show Trinca de Ases em São Paulo (2017-08-05)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Gilberto Gil, Gal Costa e Nando Reis na estreia de Trinca de Ases em São Paulo (2017-08-04)Instituto Gilberto Gil

It was very moving, and there was a moment when we sang “Por onde andei”. That day, I thought, “Wow, I'm playing and improvising with Gil!” It was an achievement. When I left the stage, he came up to me and said: “I wanted to play the acoustic guitar with you.” I couldn’t believe it!

Gilberto Gil e Nando Reis no show Trinca de Ases no Rio de Janeiro, que contou ainda com Gal Costa (2017-08-12)Instituto Gilberto Gil

So I said: “Let’s switch, then? I’ll play like you and you play like me.” I kept it as the greatest compliment I’ve ever received in my life, because it came from none other than Gilberto Gil.

Gilberto Gil, Gal Costa, Nando Reis e o baixista Magno Brito no show Trinca de Ases em São Paulo (2017-08-05)Instituto Gilberto Gil

There was a very big affinity on stage and after a few days came Flora’s idea for us to tour. And then there was something new in my life, which was to be able to talk to Gil over the phone, exchange e-mails, become his partner.

Gilberto Gil, Gal Costa e Nando Reis na gravação do DVD do show Trinca de Ases em São Paulo (2017-11-25)Instituto Gilberto Gil

I started hanging out, talking to him. I never imagined that one day I would have Gil’s phone, but things just kept getting more natural. And out of that came a CD and a DVD.

You and Gil composed “Tocarte.” Do you have similar songwriting methods?

Gilberto Gil, Magno Brito, Gal Costa, Nando Reis e Kainan do Jêje no show Trinca de Ases na França (2018-03-17)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Nando Reis:

Ah, that was very cool. He sent me some lyrics, I made the song and presented it to him. We made little adjustments together when it came to making the arrangement. I had one view of the song, he had another.

Arte de divulgação da turnê Trinca de Ases, de Gilberto Gil, Gal Costa e Nando Reis (2017)Instituto Gilberto Gil

We recorded mine, but when I saw him playing his version on the concert, I saw something big. I love that song. Gil is a very serious man, a tireless worker.

Gilberto Gil, Gal Costa, Nando Reis, Flora Gil e equipe da turnê Trinca de Ases na Alemanha (2018-03-21)Instituto Gilberto Gil

A guy who comes on time for rehearsals. It was amazing to see him coming, working, changing arrangements, it was an incredible experience.

Is there a Gil song you’d like to have written?

Carta enviada a Gilberto Gil sobre regravação da música Back in Bahia CartaInstituto Gilberto Gil

Nando Reis:

Several. I’ll say a few: “Retiros espirituais,” “Back in Bahia,” “Drão,” “Sandra,” and “Babá alapalá.”

If you were to send a message to Gil, what would you tell him?

Gilberto Gil e Nando Reis no show Trinca de Ases, que contou com Gal Costa, em São Paulo (2017-08-05)Instituto Gilberto Gil

Nando Reis:

Brazil wouldn't be Brazil if there wasn’t Gilberto Gil.

Credits: Story

Exhibit credits

Interview: Chris Fuscaldo (*with Ricardo Schott collaboration)
Assembly: Isabela Marinho
Copyediting: Laura Zandonadi
Acknowledgments: Nando Reis

General credits

Editing and curating: Chris Fuscaldo / Garota FM
Musical content research: Ceci Alves, Chris Fuscaldo, and Ricardo Schott
MinC content research: Carla Peixoto, Ceci Alves, Chris Fuscaldo, and Laura Zandonadi
Photo subtitles: Anna Durão, Carla Peixoto, Ceci Alves, Chris Fuscaldo, Daniel Malafaia, Gilberto Porcidonio, Kamille Viola, Laura Zandonadi, Lucas Vieira, Luciana Azevedo, Patrícia Sá Rêgo, Pedro Felitte, Ricardo Schott, Roni Filgueiras, and Tito Guedes
Data editing: Isabela Marinho
Acknowledgments: Gege Produções, Gilberto Gil, Flora Gil, Gilda Mattoso, Fafá Giordano, Maria Gil, Meny Lopes, Nelci Frangipani, Cristina Doria, Daniella Bartolini, and all photographers and characters in the stories
All media: Instituto Gilberto Gil

Credits: All media
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